About me

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Uh, I hope I don't annoy you now. If you're not really interested in my life, feel free to ignore this chapter and wait for the next one.
I thought I might just write something about myself today... actually I could as well be spending time writing on my story that is going to be published soon, but I already have two chapters and the only thing that's left is the artwork... and it's too late for me to draw on my PC now. But I wanted to do something anyway, so here's a filler chapter.

1. My Hogwarts House
Don't ask me why I put that first. It just came to my mind. I'm a proud Slytherin! My sister still can't pronounce it. She says "Sliddlewing". It's pretty cute, actually.
2. My nationality
I'm German. But my English level is somewhere between fluent and semi-fluent.
3. My gender.
I DON'T KNOW, honestly. I guess you could call me polygenderfluidflux. I jump around between several genders that variate in their intensity. So yeah. Gender is kind of like blood types to me. There's A and B, aka female and male. A and A don't fit together, only A and B, according to society. And there's AB, quite a mix of the two, and 0, just nothing. And then there are a lot of minor groups, for the ones who enjoy detail. And the biggest similarity: They're pretty damn complicated.
4. My age
Not telling. Some stuff should stay off the internet.
5. What I do all day
Writing stories on Wattpad, enjoying the life on Wattpad, reading stories on Wattpad, having conversations with people on Wattpad, drawing pictures for stories on Wattpad. That's literally my life. Oh, I also do puzzles every now and then, read stuff on Wikipedia and dictionaries and make music... My classmates and some other people say I don't have a life but I don't care. I love this life.
6. Music!
I LIVE for music! And art. But music is literally the reason why I'm okay with having only one Real life friend and maybe some Wattpad friends (like for example dramag1r7 , who asked me if she could be my friend - so cute- and others I consider friends). Music really calms me, helps me, understands me, comforts me. I especially like punk rock, emocore, Metal, rock, hard rock, grunge, alternative and sometimes pop. But not the new stuff that's on the radio. Also I enjoy soundtracks, especially the Undertale soundtrack. I could make a whole chapter about the music I like! And the music I dislike.
7. Literature
I like literature! Poetry, fiction, essays, dramas, anything. My favourite genres for fiction are Fantasy, Cyberpunk, Teen Fiction, historical fiction, adventure and supernatural. Also I like non-fiction and thrillers. One thriller I can recommend is "Spectrum" by Ethan Cross. It features an autistic super brain, who is a detective, also it clears up a lot of misunderstandings of autism and spreads an anti-awareness, pro-acceptance message! The autistic character really gives some cute comedy moments inbetween, which is really funny for a thriller.
8. Interests of mine
I'm intersted in arts, music, astronomy, geometry, literature, ancient cultures (like the celtics, Germania, the ancient greeks, egypts, native Americans, Aztecs, Maya and so on...) and programming. Also I love to stare at old maps. My mum and me went to some kind of lawyer lately to talk about my therapy (that I'll be getting this year, probably) and they had an old map of our hometown hanging on the wall. I stared at it all the time and actually found out that one tree in our garden stands under conservation! Not even my mum knew about that. Maps are great.
9. My family
I have a little sister, an older brother who  has already moved out for around 10 years and my parents. My dad also covers music with a band, sometimes they play at our towns festival. He's the one I get along with the most. Also I have a cute cat and two adorable dogs.

But that's all I'm going to tell about my family

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But that's all I'm going to tell about my family.
10. Other social networks
I'm on instagram with the account red.pixelheart. Not really active though. I post drawings there. I'm also on Episode but it's taking me SO LONG to get one chapter done. I doubt that'll ever work. I'm also on YouTube, but with no videos yet. I will be making some though, as soon as I know how to record my computer screen. Then I'll maybe make some speedpaints (I hope, at least!) And well, that's it. I'm most active on Wattpad. I'm planning on going on deviantart soon too, but I always forget about that! Hope I can make it soon.
11. My ethics
I'm a vegan and I live for the concept of "If it harms no one, do as you want". I am tolerant towards other religions and ethics, I am against discrimination and heterophobia (=the hatred against minorities, not against heterosexuals! Well, I'm also against hatred towards heterosexuals, but you get my point.), I hate lies and anything that somehow violates human AND animal dignity, self esteem, needs and what else. I'm pretty sure I'm not alone with that, though.
12. Other questions
Feel free to ask me! I'm very open towards you. If you want to tell me about yourself, you can do that too, I always hope to hook up a conversation with someone about a topic we both like.

Annnd as a thanks that you read the whole thing, here's some of my random artwork for you!

[Image description: A dark skinned girl with natural curls sits on the beach, next to a golden Retriever

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[Image description: A dark skinned girl with natural curls sits on the beach, next to a golden Retriever. The sun sets in front of them and dyes the sky red. On the edges, there are some stars and dark clouds. I drew this for a story on Episode I'm probably never going to finish.]

[Image description: A girl sits on a cliff, staring at a purple-red galaxy

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[Image description: A girl sits on a cliff, staring at a purple-red galaxy. Three shooting stars fall from the sky. At the edges of the image there are some pentagons.]

[Image description: A girl sits in a space of pastel purple colours

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[Image description: A girl sits in a space of pastel purple colours. She herself wears mostly pastel too. She holds a sketch book in her arms. One of my first sketches with my graphic tablet.]

More are to come! I'm afraid the other pictures are too big to put in, so they will need a separate chapter.

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