Truth or Dare?

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Warning! Mild swearing! Please excuse any mistakes!

Hermione's newfound friendship with Draco brought lots of things. Good and bad. New friends, good memories. But, it also came with Hermione starting to act more and more like a Slytherin, to her Gryffindor friends demise. Now, her Gryffindor friends and her Slytherin friends were together, she was sort of the bridge between them.

Right now, Hermione was sitting down under a tree with Ginny and Pansy next to her, the boys were on the other side. She couldn't believe they still believed in 'cooties', it was ridiculous. Even Ron was getting along with Draco, Theo and Blaise, it was rather surprising. Harry, he was more forgiving but, Ron, she would've never guessed.

Hermione and Ron's relationship after their kiss during the war was awkward, they agreed to just stay as friends. Ron was happily dating Parvati Patil meanwhile, she was still looking for love. Harry and Ginny were engaged and probably deemed Hogwarts' favourite couple. Blaise and Pansy were dating and even Draco dropped his lifestyle to settle in with Astoria Greengrass. It seemed to her that everyone had someone, but she was wrong.

"Ohh . . . I have a great idea! How about we play truth or dare with Veritaserum! Take a vote, all in favour?" Ginny conducted.

1 . . . 2 . . . 3 . . . 4 . . . 5 . . . 6 . . . 7 people raised their hands. Guess who was the only one to not raise their hand, Hermione Granger, of course.

Her friends groaned, "Come on, Granger. You're such a spoilsport!" Blaise said.

Hermione sat there in distaste, "Well, we won anyways, 7-1, Granger. Bad luck for you!" Pansy sniggered.

Hermione huffed, "That's no fair! I know this will get crazy! Especially with you lot!"

"Too bad, Granger. Life isn't fair. Sorry not sorry but, you are completely and utterly correct about this getting crazy," Draco said, smirking.

"Fine! I'm not going easy on you guys!" Hermione scowled.

"Let's just get started! Stop bickering, already!" Ginny said.

"Okay then, who wants to go first?" Pansy asked. Blaise immediately raised his hand.

"Pansy, truth or dare?" Blaise asked, licking his lips.

"Dare." Pansy said, narrowing her eyes.

"As you wish," Blaise said, smirking. "I dare you to skinny dip with me at midnight, sharp."

Pansy smirked, "Challenge accepted," she said pulling his tie to kiss him.

"Keep it kid-friendly here!" Theodore said, disgusted, it had been the first time he had spoken the whole time. Hermione looked at him, just noticing how beautiful his eyes were, a bright hazel with specks of green in them. She hadn't even noticed she was staring until Ron pointed it out.

"Umm . . . 'Mione?" Ron asked.

Hermione snapped out of her trance and whipped her head to look at him. "Err . . . yeah?"

"Why are you staring at Nott?" Ron asked, sheepishly.

Hermione blushed and pretended she didn't notice, "I was staring? Oops my bad!"

Ginny and Pansy were smirking and exchanging looks with each other while the boys were in a conversation.

"Err . . . why doesn't the next person go?" Hermione said, nervously.

"I'm next, then," Pansy said. "Ginny," she said, menacingly. "Truth or dare?"

"Come at me, bitch. Dare!" Ginny exclaimed.

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