New Years' Eve

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It was New Years' Eve at Hogwarts, the students who had stayed for the winter holidays were rushing around, unable to contain their excitement. Hogsmeade was extra busy today, people were purchasing last minute decorations.

The Heads' Common Room was peaceful, unlike the rest of Hogwarts, a girl sat curled up in a loveseat next to the fire, with her nose in a book.

Soon a boy entered through the portrait hole and saw the witch with her trusty book. The Head Boy rolled his eyes and asked, "Exactly, how many times have you read that book, Granger?"

Hermione Granger put the book down and said, "Only 13 times, if you let me, it would be 14, Nott."

"Merlin! You really need to get a life, Granger!" Theodore Nott joked.

Hermione raised her eyebrows, "I need to get a life? Who's the one walking around Hogwarts, alone? I think it's you who needs to get a life, Theo."

"Ouch! That hurt! Who knew how feisty you could be, Granger," Theo said, feigning hurt.

"Oh, shut up!" Hermione said, smiling.

    "It's true!" Theo said.

    Hermione gave him a look and he quieted down, "You are aware that it is New Years' Eve, right, Hermione?"

    Her eyes widened and she jumped from her seat, "Are you joking?"

    Theodore simply smirked and said, "Are you sure I need a life?"

    Hermione gasped and flew out of the portrait hole, heading towards the Gryffindor Common Room.

    Meanwhile, Theodore was still standing in the exact same place where he came in and muttered, "Bloody Gryffindors."


Hermione was trying to catch her breath when someone came up from behind her, "I see you've remembered it's New Years' Eve, my dearest friend."

The witch jumped and whipped out her wand only to be confronted with the sight of Ginny Weasley with her hands on her hips, posture just like her mother. "Oh, Ginny! I didn't mean to forget! It was an accident! Theo just barely reminded me! I was—"

Ginny had her eyebrows raised as her friend rambled on and on about being too busy and preparing for N.E.W.T.S. "Theo, eh?"

Hermione immediately turned red, "Did you hear anything I said, Ginevra?"

Ginny was smirking, "Of course I heard your pointless rambling about being sorry. It's okay, we knew you had forgotten!"

The bushy-haired witch reddened more and mumbled, "Sorry."

The replica of Molly Weasley said, "Oh for Merlin's sake, Hermione! How many times do I have to say it's okay!"

"Okay! Okay! I'm—" Hermione started.

"Don't say it!" Ginny said, smiling.

Hermione laughed which triggered a laugh in Ginny, soon enough they were on the ground laughing. Finally, Ginny said through gasps, "Theodore Nott, eh?"

"Oh, shut up! He's just my friend!" Hermione squeaked, blushing.

"If you say so," Ginny said, smirking deviously.

Hermione rolled her eyes and the two friends walked towards the portrait hole up the stairs. Once in the Gryffindor Common Room, Hermione was immediately questioned where she had been.

"Hey, 'Ermione! Where were you? You took ages!" A red-headed boy complained.

"Oh come off it, Ronald. I was only in my common room," Hermione scoffed.

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