Under the Mistletoe

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    A girl sat on the edge of a tower in the beautiful school she attended, gazing at the endless sky of stars. She was twirling her wand in her fingers and biting her lip.

    She came up to the tower every night, she wasn't happy but wasn't depressed, right in the middle. Her parents didn't know who she was, which was heartbreaking when she tried to reverse their memory charm. They had two small children now.

    "Mum? Dad?" She said, a tear dripping down her cheek.

    "Who are you? Are you lost?" Her mother asked, standing in the doorway of her house.

    They didn't know what to do when she broke down in loud sobs, the reverse charm hadn't worked. "There, there, sweetie. What's wrong?"

    The girl ran away, to a secluded area so she could apparate away. 

    The Astronomy Tower at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry had been her safe place ever since. It was Christmas time, people should be happy but, Hermione Granger wasn't feeling the holiday cheer. The witch sluggishly got up and headed back to the Gryffindor Common Room.

    The next morning was a buzz of excitement for her fellow classmates, people ripping open presents from their family and friends, playing in the snow and going to Hogsmeade. Meanwhile, Hermione was sitting in a corner of the Gryffindor Common Room, warming herself up with hot chocolate.

    "Hermione! Happy Christmas!" Her best friend exclaimed, his green eyes shining with excitement.

    "Happy Christmas to you too, Harry," she said, smiling lightly at her friend.

    Harry sat down beside her and hugged her, "Hermione. Don't worry about them today. They're happy and safe, why don't you be the same way. As long as your like this, I'll be the same."

    Hermione sighed, eyes shining with tears, "I know Harry. It's just hard. Hard knowing that your parents don't know who you are, they won't be at my graduation, they won't be there when I get married, get my first house, have a kid. They won't be there."

    "I know it's hard but, you have to move on. The memory of them will always be with you, even if they're really not. Please, please come play in the snow with me, Hermione?" Harry said, hopefully.

    Hermione hugged Harry tighter, "Thank you. You've always been the one to cheer me up. Your always by my side no matter what. I couldn't thank you enough for being my best friend. Of course I'll go with you. But, we have to wait for Ron and Ginny."

    Harry smiled at her, "I should be the one thanking you, Hermione. Your the one who stays by my side all the time. Without you, Voldemort would've kicked my arse!"

    They laughed lightly and Hermione took out the gift she had gotten Harry. "This is for you, so we always know where we are."

    Harry opened the box and a small crystal was on a necklace, he saw Hermione had the same one. "Thank you, I've got something for you too."

    "Wait, before you take out my present, let me tell you what it does. So, this crystal grows hot when either of us are in danger, when it's cold, then we are close to each other. When it's warm, it means that we aren't to far but aren't to close. When it turns gold, it means that we are far away from each other. Finally, what you have to do to know where the other is, is just tap the crystal with your wand and it will tell where they are. Lastly, if you need to see them immediately all you have to do is tap it three times and you'll be there instantly," Hermione explained.

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