The Mirror of Erised

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Another one-shot! This one is on the Mirror of Erised, let's pretend that it wasn't destroyed. It's sixth year and it is mostly on Theo.

    Theodore Nott, who is he? What do you know about him? Theodore is a secretive Hogwarts, Slytherin student. He's not like the others. He doesn't taunt Gryffindors or muggleborns. He doesn't hang out with Draco Malfoy and his goons. Instead, Theodore keeps to himself, walking around the castle by night and feeding the thestrals by day.

    Right now, the young wizard was walking around the dark corridors, breathing in the cool air. Sure, the Slytherin Common Room was cold but, he needed somewhere to be alone.

    Although, Theodore was not like the others in his house, he was still cold towards everyone, especially after what had happened to him. His father was a horrible man, Death Eater to be precise. Theodore Nott still remembers the night when he killed his mother, right in front of him.

    "Your teaching the boy to be soft!"

    "He's only eight, Thoros! It doesn't matter!"

    "The boy needs to start engaging with the dark arts! I can't do that if he's with you and the stupid mudbloods!"

    "He needs to learn about other cultures, and don't call them mudbloods! I will never allow Theo do the dark arts!"

    "The dark lord will need more followers soon, he needs to be trained."

    "No! I will NOT let you!"

    "Yes, you will! Avada Kedavra!"

    Young Theodore was sobbing loudly and when he saw his mother fall to the floor, he didn't know what to do. "Mummy?"

    Thoros Nott looked at his soon, wand still in hand, "Get over here, boy!"

    Theodore stood frozen as his father yanked him away from his mother. "Mummy!"

    Theodore had stopped walking and his eyes were wide. He looked around making sure no one had seen his mask fall. Theo quickly made his face stony and continued walking along the dark corridor.

The dark lord was needing followers now, especially now. He would never join them, not after what his father did. He wouldn't join him either way. Lord Voldemort was a sick and twisted man, if you could even call him that anymore. His snakelike features were prominent when his father made him visit him in fifth year. Now, he couldn't even imagine what he looked like. Theo shivered involuntarily, eyes darting when he thought he heard footsteps.

"Nothing," he muttered, putting his wand back in his robes.

The young wizard continues walking through the cold and dark corridors of Hogwarts when he found a door he had never seen before. Feeling curious, Theodore slowly opened the door, wand at the ready. Inside, stood a mirror, in the back of the room, glistening in the moonlight. He stepped inside, carefully walking towards the mirror. Theo looked at his reflection, a skinny, tall boy looked back at him till, his reflection vanished and was replaced by someone he never thought he'd see again.

"Mum?" Theo asked, eyes glistening. He gently put his hand on the glass, hoping it would go through to touch her.

She smiled and nodded but when he put his hand on the mirror she shook her head, frowning.

"I miss you. Everyday," he whispered, smiling softly.

She smiled again and walked away. "Wait! Mum! Where are you going?"

Soon, silent tears were streaming down his face, Theo was merely looking at his reflection once again. The sight of his mum brought back great memories.

"I love you, Theo," his mum told him, gently caressing his cheek.

"I love you too, Mummy," young Theo said.

"You know, Mummy will always be with you, right honey?" She said.

"Yeah," he said.

"Good, I will always protect you," the woman told him.

The memory replaying in his mind soon changed, they were at the park this time.

"Come on, mummy! Let's play! I want to go up, up, up, into that tree!" Theo said, happily.

"Okay honey, be careful," his mother responded, sweetly.

Young Theo climbed into the tree, once up in the tree, his smile faded, taking in the height of the tree.

"Mummy! Mummy! I'm scared! Help me!" Theo wailed.

His mother unexpectedly climbed up into the tree with him and embraced him, "You'll be okay, sweetheart. Don't be scared. Look. Look at how beautiful the ocean is, Theo."

The young boy looked up from his mother's shoulder and saw the beautiful blue ocean, waving crashing onto the rocks. He started laughing, "I like it! I want to go there, one day, Mummy!"

Theodore was sucked out of his memory when another person appeared in the mirror. "Father?!" He said, disgusted.

Surprisingly, Thoros Nott just stood there, smiling. Theodore was expecting a lecture but no, he just smiled at him. Soon, his mother came back into the mirror and put a hand on Thoros' shoulder.

Theo sat in front of the mirror, frozen. He snapped out of it and again, put his hand on the glass. This time, his mother put her hand on there too.

His parents stood, smiling, together, happy. He had never seen his father show any emotion other than anger. Theodore's mother was different, kind, helpful, loving but, he had never seen her and his father get along, let alone love each other.

His mother walked away, yet again and soon, his father did too. Theodore sat, contemplating whether he should wait for them or not. He decided to stay and wait to see if someone else popped up.

No one had come for hours, Theo decided to get up and leave. As he walked towards the door, out of the corner of his eye he saw something.

A girl with him, he had seen her many times before. Theodore actually admired her. He sat back down on the cold stone floor, confused. He had made up his mind that it showed what you wanted, at least that was what he thought.

He hadn't thought he had wanted this, his hand was intertwined with the petite one of Hermione Granger's. She was smiling. Theo had never thought that Hermione Granger would ever smile at him. He was just a scrawny, weedy boy. Theodore was positive Hermione Granger had never even noticed him.

He was wrong, little did he know, Hermione Granger knew him well. She knew his schedule, habits, traits and even the exact time he visited the library. It may sound a bit creepy, but she's a teenager.

Sure, he had had a small crush on Hermione Granger in his first few years of Hogwarts but, he was a sixth year now. Plus, it would never work out, they're about to go to war and she probably loves Ronald Weasley anyways.

Theodore got up from his spot on the floor, dusted off his robes and returned to his common room.

Theodore Nott was completely oblivious to the next day, he had no idea that he would be kissing Hermione Granger in the library's Restricted Section. Shocker. Or is it?

The End! Sorry it's a bit short! But, nonetheless I hope you liked it! Hopefully, I'll be back soon with another one-shot, school is crazy!

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