Needing Help

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Lucy's POV

I woke up because of the sunlight hitting my face. Ugh...more sleep...

But I have to get ready for today's crazy event.

I get up from the bed and I see my clothes still in my suitcase. Natsu is probably going to wonder about that...

I walk to the bathroom and I take off my clothes to take a shower. In the shower, I kept thinking about my father...

I turn off the water and I put a towel around my waist.

I head out of the bathroom to see Natsu still asleep. Whew! The last thing I need is him being a player.

I get my clothes ready which is a pink shirt with dark blue ripped shorts.

I head back into the bathroom to get changed and head out AGAIN.

I look out Natsu still asleep. Mhmmm. I will make breakfast. But I haven't done it in a while...

Oh well.

I go to the kitchen and I get out food that was already here.

I'm going to make pancakes I guess.

I start getting all the ingredients out and I begin to cook!

Time Later

Ok, I'm all done making the pancakes.

I will taste it.

I grab a fork and I break a little piece off. I eat it and think it's not bad. It could be better...

I hear footsteps coming. "Hey, Natsu." "(Yawns) Hey... you're up early.." "The sun woke me up." He chuckles, "I smelt food." I look down to see two plates of three pancakes in my hands. "Oh, that's because I made pancakes..." He looks...surprised? "Really...when I went to your house you have anything in your fridge or cabinets..." How...does he knows... "U-Um..-." "It's when I first went to your house. The drawings, the writings, the old letter, and no food inside your whole kitchen." My hands start to shake and I place the food down on the table.

"P-Please...excuse me..." I walk into the bedroom and I get my headache and stress medicine out...

I run to the bathroom and I lock the door. I take two of each and I swallow them. I drink some water from the sink... Calm down Lucy...calm down... everything will be fine...don't stress over Natsu finding out...calm..down...and least he doesn't know the truth...

I sigh heavily...

Who knew life can be so difficult...

I put my medicine in my pocket and I walk out. I turn to see Natsu in the doorway. "Hey...I tried your pancakes. They are really good..." I was silent... "I'm sorry for bringing up about your apartment." I smile. "It's fine." He walks up to me and says coming close to my face, "You know...I've never seen you smile with your teeth before..." Huh...? With my teeth? Well, that is actually true. After mom and everyone, I've become more depressed about life. "Yeah...I haven't...have I?" I look to him and was locking his eyes with mine. "I don't know how to really smile..." I smile just with my mouth like always.

He was still locking eyes with mine and was like looking into my soul. Geez what is he doing?! I back away from him. "Well, thanks for the food..." "Your welcome." "By the way, we are going to the beach again do you want to come?" "U-Um...I can't just stay inside anymore... sure..." He smiles. "Great!" "Wait can I talk to Levy before we go?" "Levy? I thought she was mad at you." "She is. I just want to apologize to her.." "Well go! She is two-room across from us." "Thanks!"

I rush to two rooms across from us and I bang the door hardly 5 times. I see Erza open the door. "Can I help you?" "I-I need to talk about something important..." She stays silent for a little. "Fine..." She opens the door fully and allows me to come in. I see Levy sitting on the couch and is reading a book. "L-Levy?" She turns to me and looks surprised. "W-What are you d-doing here?" I start to tear up. "I-I need both of your help." They both start to look scared. "W-What happened...?" Erza says nervously. I lift up the back of my shirt to reveal my bruise and scars. "What the hell is the meaning of this?!" Erza says angrily. "Who did this to you?!" "I can't discuss this now..." "Why?" Levy says curiously. "I-It's personal..." "So what do you need help with?" "I'm going to the beach with you guys today. I don't have a bathing suit because these scars and bruises bring all on my back spread out. Can you help me not be figured out by Natsu and the others?" "Why us?" Erza says. "Because you both are my best friends...and I trust you...and I know you hate me for yelling at you Levy and I'm sorry...and I know you're angry at me for Jellal Erza...I'm also sorry..." "Lucy I figured out about Natsu's prank a few years ago...he told me when I joined the company." "Wow...." "So there is nothing for you to apologize to me for. I'm just mad at Natsu using you like this and I wasn't sure if after the prank you would shut me out..." "I technically did..." "What?!" They both say. "I shutter everything out of life." I smile. "Friends, family, anything that you could name it. Just for everyone leaving me and that stupid prank..." They both frown. "We are so sorry..." Levy says sadly. "We didn't mean for this to happen to you..." Erza says sadly as well. "It's fine. Group hug?" I held my arms out and they both hug me automatically. "We will never leave you again." I smile and I hug them. They let go of me and Erza says, "We will help you." I smile. "Thanks! But...I'm begging you...don't let Natsu figure out." They look at me confused. "Natsu?" Levy says. "Why?" Erza says.

I smile. "I and Natsu began to become friends. He cares for me..."

"Let me explain."

Storytime for Levy and Erza.

"Natsu helped me from someone who was going to hurt me. Someone who was going to something awful to me. Someone...who used to be very close to me. Has been awful to me now and before in the past. It's two people. Natsu has been saving me from both...And I have to thank him soon..."

"Who are these two people?" Levy says.

I frown. "I can't say...sorry..."

Erza sighs heavily and says, "Okay. So you technically don't want to be near water and Natsu?" "Exactly. He can tell if there is something wrong with me...It's creepy." "You can say that again. He's mostly like that with everyone... It's strange how he can tell..." Erza says. "So we have to make Natsu believe nothing is wrong?" "Yes..."

"We will help." They both say.

I sigh of relief and I relax my body.

"Now I have to get back to Natsu. Don't want him to get suspicious already!" I say nervously while chuckling.

I walk to the door and I turn to them.

"I'm glad we made up..." I say while smiling.

And I close the door...

I'm so nervous.......

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