Chapter 17

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I am so going to kill Diana tomorrow. Or at least do my level best. I spit in an unsuccessful attempt to get rid of the horrid taste as I change into my Batman attire. Chemical fires. Sounds interesting. Diana left like a bullet, so she must think so too. I wonder if the neighbours ever get suspicious. She left so quickly it was careless. It's a wonder she managed to keep her identity hidden for so long.

Once suited up, I get into my car and type Stonewall into the GPS. My gut still hurts like - Gods I can't even think the word now without that vile tasting washing bar coming to my mind. As long as the fire is just a fire, I shouldn't have to worry about getting punched in the gut. I probably already have internal bleeding. No need to make it any worse.

I'm gonna kill her.

You're going to try and fail, her voice mocks me. My adrenaline spikes as I drive down the street.


I arrive at the school in record time. Police and firefighters already swarm the scene. I see students standing in lines and teachers roaming between them. They all stood tall and did not fidget. I scan the faces. I do not see Ambrosine.

She's still in the building!

"Wonder Woman!" An officer beckons me over. I don't have time for him. He's not concerned about Ambrosine, he worried about press and casualties and being seen talking with me. Ambrosine will not be a casualty.

I look at the ten-foot flames coming out of the second largest building. It's one I've never been inside before. I don't know the layout. I'm so stupid. I should have memorized it all. I had the opportunity to do so and I did not. If any harm has come to her it will be my fault for being negligent. I am an idiot.

I take a deep breath and cover my face. I won't get as severely burned as a mortal might, but the lack of oxygen will affect me as much as anyone, even if the effects are prolonged.

The doors have already been broken down. Inside, the heat is intense. There are stairs and hallways going in every direction, all ablaze. I close my eyes. I listen. I hear the building around me, made from solid stone, burning up in this unnatural fire. The sirens are blaring, people are talking and crying and screaming. Listen closer, Diana. I tell myself this over and over again. Now, I can practically hear the mortals thinking. I can hear their footsteps, their heartbeats. But I can't pinpoint the ones coming from the building over the fire.

So I run. through the hallways, calling for people, always attentive to a little ounce of noise that could be a child or teacher in danger. First, I find two elementary girls huddled in a corner and blocked off from the door. I get them out. In the basement, a teenage boy had a panic attack and was now hiding under a desk. When I bring him out it takes two others to get him to unhand me.

"Are there any others?" I ask the police officer.

"We're not sure. They're still doing ahead count. They've been telling the parents though, who are reporting back to us. And the principal has agreed to hand off a headcount once he's sure he has it right." I need to be Diana Prince. So be it.

I just nod and pretend to run back off into the school, but once out of sight I spin three times and find myself mortal again. Now under this pretence, I walk up the principle and ask, quite flustered, if Ambrosine is okay.

"She's fine." He replies. "She wasn't even in the building. She signed up last minute to go to the museum. I would have thought she'd told you since you signed the form."

"Right. I just forgot in my moment of panic." I lie. I don't remember ever signing a form to go on a museum trip today. He smiles and goes back to his clipboard.

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