#4 in WonderWoman! / Thank-you / What's next

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Hi everyone! I woke up this morning (09/05/18) to this wonderful sight:

Thank-you all so much this is absolutely amazing! In the See All Ranking section, a few of the more impressive ones include:

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Thank-you all so much this is absolutely amazing! In the See All Ranking section, a few of the more impressive ones include:

-4th in WonderTrev

-9th in ChrisPine

-3rd in SteveTrevor

-and 9th in GalGadot

-and 9th in GalGadot

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It just blows my mind how popular this got and I can't thank all of you enough for voting and commenting on this story and making it what it is today

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It just blows my mind how popular this got and I can't thank all of you enough for voting and commenting on this story and making it what it is today.

I'd also like to do a little shoutout to some awesome fans who were encouraging me and voting throughout the whole book. Guima12, didy_zak5, scarletsoldat, SquirticusMaximus, HumbleDragonMoon, and a bunch of others. You all had so many nice things to say and I appreciate it.

 You all had so many nice things to say and I appreciate it

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There's more, but I think you get the picture

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There's more, but I think you get the picture. I've enjoyed writing this, first for myself because I just love writing and getting ideas out of my head and secondly because everyone made this an awesome experience.

Okay so what next?

The only thing I can say for certain is that this book will be getting a thorough edit. Everything else is a coin toss.

I currently don't have any plans for new fanfiction. I've been working on an original since before I started this and my proximity to finishing the first draft currently has all my creative waves and excitement. As for putting this on Wattpad, I've been torn as I'd like constructive criticism but I want to be published someday. It will most likely be out for a short time once it's been typed up (I write by hand first) for critiques and such, then disappear for quite a while.

While I do have ideas for new fanfiction, I don't have any solid ones for Wonder Woman or the DCEU that aren't so original I might as well write my own book. Think alternate dimensions and a ban on "super" and heroes and a near-world extinction due to a chemical that made people have superpowers. Also, it's rather satirical in some aspects and I don't think fanfictions are meant to be satires. It's too much weight to put on something that's supposed to be fun to both read and write.

I might stretch out into some other fandoms, either Obernewtyn, OUAT, Merlin, The Musketeers, or Graceling (least likely) have been playing around in my mind. Also, a crossover involving PJO and OUAT, but I have no idea how much anyone wants to read any of these.

I'd appreciate it if you'd let me know what you'd like to see form me in the future and if you have any interest in original works or fanfictions outside of Wonder Woman. If you have anything you would like me to do or try, also let me know. I said before, I have no solid plans so what happens from here on out is totally up in the air and I'm giving you guys the option of choosing what you'd like to see next from my account.

~Beneath_the_Willows. :)

P.S. You can also let me know your OTPs from any of the fandoms above and if we share a common interest, I might do something small for the couple.

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