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"Mabel!" Dipper called out, as his sister stormed away.

"Why Can't I have sleepovers Dipper!? It's Summer! That ruins the Fun!!!" Mabel yelled turning to face her annoyed brother.

"Because I don't like the fact that your constantly having your friends over in our room!"

"What's so wrong with me and my Friends!?" Mabel snapped.

"You guys Yell, Scream, Pin me down and put makeup on me! You stay up all night when I want to sleep-"

"Then Why don't you just join us!?" Mabel yelled cutting dipper off.

"Because I hate everything you guys do! Your girls, I'm a guy! I don't enjoy what you do! And I'm sick of constantly being shoved out of Our room!" Dipper exclaimed.

Mabel growled. "Why do you always have to be like this!? Why did I have to have such a boring brother!"

Dipper opened his mouth to protest but Mabel cut him off, "Maybe If you got your head out of the freaking Journal!" She began.

"You wouldn't be boring!" She finished before slamming the bedroom door shut.

Dipper looked down. Maybe She's right. I am boring.  He looked at the Journal. Is the Journal really keeping me from Mabel? He thought. He sighed before walking out to go find Mabel.


Mabel walked through the forest. "Ugh why can't he be normal, instead he just has his stupid head in that Stupid Book all the TIME!" She exclaimed kicking a rock.

Mabel watched as the Rock hit a tree, her eyes widened as Everything around her turned grey, the Birch Trees getting yellow cat eyes, Time stopping dead in it's tracks.

She looked around confused, "What the-"

"Heya Shootingstar~" 

"Bill!?" Mabel said stumbling back a couple steps.

"Hey calm yourself kid! I'm not here to hurt yah~"

"T-then what are you here for?" She asked looking at him dropping her arms back to her sides, instead if blocking her face for protection.

"I'm here to help you."

Mabel looked at him confused.

"I overheard you fighting with your brother-"

"I came to help. To make a Deal"

"B-but Dipper said n-"

"B-but b-but Dipper said what? Not to Trust me." He asked holding out a hand to Mabel before it erupted into blue flames.

"Not to make Deals with me!?" He laughed.

Mabel nodded. "He said to Trust No one."

"And what else did he tell you?"

"That my Friends and I were annoying. And He isn't allowing me to have Sleepover's anymore!"

"ExActly KiD. So why listen to your brother? Just hear out my deal Shootingstar!"

"O-ok" She stuttered.

"I can help you with your problem Mabel. I can help your brother learn to change."

"What's the Catch you Triangular THING."

Bill despise one eye, had a hint of 'that was all you got' in his eye.

"There is no catch, Heck. I don't even ask for anything in Return."

Bill held out his flame covered Hand once again, Mabel staring deeply into the flames.

She looked up at Bill raising her arm up abit. "A-and you Promise N-not to hurt him?" She asked.

"I promise kid. He won't even know what hit him!"

Mabel smiled, she threw her hand onto Bill's. He shook her hand happily as the Flames engulfed their hands and sealed the forever deal.

"Because I won't be the one in charge of him."

Switched | A Gravity Falls and Reverse Falls Fanfiction ((Discontinued))Where stories live. Discover now