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"So. Your friend's with me and my brothers enemie now?" Mabel asked slightly annoyed.

"I guess so."

Mabel sighed in reply before walking into the mystery shack. "Hey Grunkle Stan." Mabel exclaimed.

Stan didn't look up from his 'Money Counting'. "Hey Mabel." He replied sorting through his Alexander Hamilton's.

Mabel and Mason walked into the kitchen.

Only for Mason to be tackled.

"BLOODY HELL!?" Mason yelled as he fell to the floor.

"MABEL! GET AWAY!" The Person yelled pinning Mason to the floor.

Mabel furrowed her eyebrows. "Grunkle Ford! What are you doing!?" She exclaimed.

Ford looked at her in the eyes then back at Mason, who seemed highly annoyed, and very, very out of his comfort zone.

"This boy can Kill you!" Ford snapped pinning Mason's arns down harder. Mason glared at him.

"Trust me ya'll would've been Dead already!" Mason stated with a blank face.

"Aha! So you admit your a killer."

"Yes. Yes I am. Though I wouldn't dream of killing off someone here." Mason began.

"Well why not?" Ford asked letting him up from the floor.

Mason dusted himself off and fixed his sleeve.

"When It comes to knowledge...Your people seem, very, very Below Average." He responded looking Ford right in the eyes.

"That still doesn't answer my Question of why your here!" Ford exclaimed.

Mason rolled his eyes. "How the Hell Am I Supposed to know!?"

"I watched you come out of a portal yesterday!" Ford responded agitated.

Mason just smirked. "I'd ask Your Neice about that one..." He cooed.

Ford looked at Mason in Confusion, he knelt down besides Mabel. "What is he talking about Mabel?"

"U-um. I Have N-"

"Mabel. Tell me the truth."

"I- uh. Made a deal with Bill." She hesitantly answered, whispering the last part.

"You WHAT!?" Ford yelled, stumbling back up to his feet.

"Why in the name of the Gobblewonker would you do somthing like that!?" Ford said.

Mabel gulped playing with her fingers. "I-" she began before sighing.

"I got into a fight with Dipper. I told him I wish he would change...I ran away into the forest and Made a Deal with Bill-" She added.

Ford looked at her in confusion and shock.

"And What was this Deal exactly?" Ford asked stepping closer to Mabel.

Mabel looked down at the wooden floor, before looking back at Ford.

"H-He would change Dipper's personality- without hurting him. Dipper Begged me not to do it! I shouldv'e listened to him Grunkle Ford! Now he's gone in some other world! Who knows what's happening there!" She ranted, tears threatening to fall from her eyes.

"This is all my Fualt." She whispered. Ford knelt down and gave her a hug.

"Mabel. It isn't your fault. We all fell for one of Bill's tricks."

"I-I know bu-"

"Mabel. Don't you worry, Were gonna find a way to reopen the portal, and get your brother back. And Set THINGS right!" He said smiling.

Mason watched them have a bonding moment.

Mason looked down. "Opening the Portal is one thing, but breaking a sealed deal and Switching us back? It's not gonna be easy." He explained.

Ford hugged Mason.

"I've been through every galaxy in History. I think I can stand a chance Mason. Don't worry we'll get yah home."

Mason's eyes widened in suprise as Ford gave him a hug. He hadn't been hugged in years. He forgot what it was like to feel Loved.

Mason hesitantly hugged Ford back. He smiled softly.


Switched | A Gravity Falls and Reverse Falls Fanfiction ((Discontinued))Where stories live. Discover now