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"I live with a friend of mine by the way," Calum says, breaking the silence in the car. His hand still remained on her thigh, something they both grew to enjoy. "But he won't say much. He's a quiet lad."

"What's his name?" She asks, looking at him curiously.

"Luke. He especially loves it if you call him Lukey," he smirks, glancing over at Maddy.

"Why do I get the feeling you're lying about that?" She teases, starting to absentmindedly play with Calum's fingers. He smiles at her gesture before turning back to the road.

"Have no clue." Maddy lets out another small yawn, which Calum thinks is an adorable sight - because she looks like a kitten - and sound. He pulls up into one of the parking spaces in front of his flat.

"Nice place you got here, Hood," Maddy comments, unbuckling her seatbelt. Calum is quick to get to her side of the car to open her door for her. "Thank you," she smiles.

"Are we really using last name basis now, Brown?" Calum asks in a teasing manner.

"I am, but you're not allowed to," she chirps. He only laughs as he leads her to his door.

"Shh," Calum whispers, holding a finger up to his lips as the both walk into the dark, quiet flat. He flips on a light, illuminating the main area.

"This place is so cool," Maddy murmurs, looking around at the homey place. "My house is just a bunch of useless, expensive shit that no one uses. Our house is not a home, like this." Calum breathes out a quiet sigh of relief because he was worried she would think his flat was ugly or something. And in his defense, her parents were rich little fucks so she was used to expensive things. He found himself smiling at the sleepy, yet happy girl, practically gawking at his things at one-thirty in the morning.

She turned around, making her long, brown hair flip over her shoulder. Calum could see she was saying something, but he could only concentrate on her pink lips moving slowly. "Calum," she snaps her fingers in his face, smiling lightly. He flinches slightly and looks at her, a light blush creeping up to his cheeks.

"Yeah?" He replies with an awkward cough.

"I said, do you have anything I could borrow to sleep in?" She asks once again, smiling tiredly.

"Uh, yeah," he mumbles. "Come with me." He takes her to his room and as soon as Maddy steps in, she's amazed.

"You play bass?" She asks, turning back to face Calum, who was just standing around awkwardly.

"Um, sorta," he responds, shrugging. Why he was suddenly so nervous, neither of them knew, but Maddy thought it was adorable. But she kept her mouth shut. "Here." Calum hands her one of his shirts and a pair of boxer. "You can change in there." He nods his head towards the door on the other side of the room, which Maddy assumes is his bathroom.

While she changes, Calum sits on the edge of his bed with his head resting on his palms. What was this girl doing to him? He couldn't deny the fact that he was attracted to her, but he had been attracted to many girls. Why was this one different?

"Calum," he hears her voice whisper. He snaps his eyes away from the floor and up to her, but when he sees her, he has to resist letting his eyes widen. "Your shirt was long enough. I didn't put the boxers on." Calum probably wouldn't have fully comprehended that sentence if it didn't mean she was only wearing a shirt. His shirt to be exact.

"Uh, y-yeah that's fine." He tries to give her a smile, but it probably looked more like a grimace to Maddy. "I'm gonna go change. You can wait in here, I guess." She smiles slightly and nods before placing her clothes on the arm of his desk chair and sitting it with her legs - that seemed to go on forever to Calum - crossed.

When Calum came back into the bedroom, he smiled at the new sight. Maddy hadn't even lasted until Calum got back before falling asleep in his chair. He gently picker her up - putting one arm under her knees and using the other to prop her upper body up - and placed her on his bed.

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