Chaptor 11: Possesion (Jacob)

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After exiting Angela's room I looked around for him. In pure anger I looked until the whole house was turned upside-down. The place was a mess and I was a bigger one. I thought of what I'd do once he appeared. I brushed my hand through my hair once then sighed as I leaned against a wall closing my eyes. Slowly deepening in my train of thought I continued thinking to myself, what would I do. I could see his devilish grin upon his ghostly face, his soul-seeking, glowing white eyes staring at me as his long, murderous fingers brushed through his scraggy beard. His long, slender limbs, moving at whim closer to me. Covered by ragged, monstrous cloths, beaten up and torn at the sleeves and legs. His grin grew to the corners of his face, showing some of his teeth as he grabbed the collar of my shirt, and pulled me closer to him. I opened my eyes and there he was, doing exactly that. I gulped, gathering my guts to say something but he spoke first,

"You were looking for me?" I couldn't reach my feet to the floor, as I kept stuttering to speak, I managed to say,

"She, she isn't yours! You don't own her!" He seemed intrigued by my, somewhat courage. Though the intrigued look was followed by a laugh.

"You have questions, it's obvious." He, somehow read my mind.

"Is this... in my mind or... is this the actual past?"

"I'm sure the actual past is in your mind." I was ticked by that remark.

"Am I imagining this?! Or did we actually time travel?!"  Again a witty remark he replied with,

"I'm sure when your deep in imagination, time travel can seem possible." I was fed up with his oxymoronic answers. I tried struggling free from his grip "In good time will you find the answers." He then disappeared. Thinking on the answers he gave I was certain what the answer was.

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