Chapter 4

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           Not edited

  The classroom buzzed with the news that Tate was back. Everyone was anxious to again be blessed with sight of the soon-to-be alpha, who- as rumor had it- was taking on the the temporary position of principal at the school for a week.

  Our principal, Mr. Johnson, had a family emergency and had to leave on short notice. It was fortunate that Tate returned in the nick of time and offered to play principal. It was said that he offered, hoping to maybe find his mate at the school.

Today was his first day back, as well as his first day as temporary principal. We would all get to see him when he visits the classes. I'm sure this had majority of the school's female population in a state of excitement. It definitely had this class.

Girls who wore 'ordinary' clothes before, now sported short dresses and skirts. Even those who wore revealing outfits on a day-to-day basis, opted for clothes that left absolutely nothing to the imagination, hoping to catch the young alpha's eyes. It was quite funny to see everyone so worked-up. Only those who had their mate seemed indifferent. Yet, there were some mated females that were power-hungry so they still dressed with a little more 'flair' in the vain hope that Tate would give them a second glance.

I hadn't noticed before, but even Jess had on heavier makeup today.

I wasn't interested in the whole finding-the-mate thing, but I must admit that I felt a tingle of curiosity about the soon-to-be alpha.


  I ignored the chaos going on around me and took my seat by the window. I peered through the dirty glass and was met with a strange sight. Sitting on a branch by the window, was a weird-looking cat staring right at me. The creature was small and thin and was covered in silky midnight-black fur. What strike me as odd though, was its eyes. They were a bright shade of orange-red color, resembling fire. The cat tilted its head and blatantly pierced my eyes with its own, as if looking into my soul. I should've been frightened by this, or at the least uncomfortable, but it felt natural for it to look at me that way. I actually found the whole thing cute. which was strange, considering the fact that cats and werewolves didn't mix, I should've found the creature repugnant but on the contrary, I found it rather cute.

"Okay class, settle down." Mrs James, our Health and Development teacher spoke softly.

This dragged my attention from the cat and to the round, plump face of my teacher.

The class ignored her and went on with their 'preparations'.

"Please be quiet everyone." she again spoke. Still no response.

"SHUT UP!" Everyone froze and the class went deathly quiet. Mrs James was always soft-spoken so this came as a shock to everyone.

"Okay," she said, resuming her soft tone, "as you all know alpha Jake's son, Tate, is back. He will be taking over the role of principal for the week. I want you all to be on your best behavior and please, conduct yourselves in a seemly manner."

I snorted at that. When had hormonal teen wolves ever behaved in a 'seemly' manner. Well not these ones at least.

"Do you have something you'd like to add ms. Duncan?"

"No Mrs James." I hastily replied.

"I thought so. Okay then, so..." I stopped paying attention after that and turned back to the window. The cat was nowhere in sight. That was strange, it was just there a minute ago.

Jess turned to me patting down her hair. "Do I look okay?" she asked breathlessly.

"You look good as always Jess." Was my reply.

Where did the cute little kitten go. I

wonder if was lost...

"Are you even listening to me?" She asked, irrigation clear in her tone.

"Huh? I'm sorry Jess. I'm just a bit...tired."

"Worked double shift at the diner yesterday?"

"Yeah." I replied.

That and the fact that I've had a nightmare about a blue-eyed male. I was sure the man in my dream wasn't a wolf. Wolves didn't have 'special gifts' that could render another being immobile.

I wasn't ready to tell anyone about the nightmare just yet though. Not even Jess.  I was still wheeling from that awful dream.

"Lets start today's lesson...mates."

I groaned under my breath. I hated that topic. It was another one of those times I'd have to sit through the lesson hearing about mates and mating bonds. I felt a bit left out because there was a high possibility that I didn't have a mate out there. After all, if I couldn't hear my wolf, then there was a chance that I didn't have one. And if I didn't have one, that meant I wouldn't have a mate either.

Sadness consumed my heart. Maybe I was destined to die alone...

I couldn't sit through another one of these lessons. I had to get out. I didn't want it rubbed in my face that I was possibly mateless.

"Mrs James, may I go to the bathroom?" I asked.

"Is this another one of your ploys to get out of the lesson again?" She cocked a bushy eyebrow.

"No, I just really have to go..." trying to sound convincing.

She seemed reluctant to grant me the pass but she eventually did.

     I left the classroom and headed for the bathroom down the hall. The hall was still as empty as when I came in earlier.

I found that the bathroom was empty as well. At least I had some privacy to wallow in self-pity.

I turned to go into one of the stalls and was met with same black cat that was in the tree outside my classroom window.

"How did you get in hare?" I asked, not really expecting a reply. But something frightening happened...

"Does it matter?" THE CAT SPOKE!

I stood frozen in shock. Cats couldn't speak...I must be hearing things.

"No you're not hearing things." The ball of fur said, as if reading my mind.

This got me moving again and I screamed, unlocked the door and ran out the bathroom.

Before I was halfway down the hall I collided with a tall muscular figure and tingles shot through my body at the contact. I looked up into beautiful gray eyes and heard a deep voice said the one thing I thought I'd never hear...


A/N: I'm sorry guys it's short again. I still have exams going so this was a hurried chapter. For all my faithful readers I had to give you something for the long wait. I'm sorry if it's crap. I'll try and make it better next time.


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