Chapter 1

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{Amy Addams - Fernanda Vasconcellos}

Amy's POV

"So, are you going?" Diana asked me lazily. I shrugged my shoulders while I traced small patterns on her bare back. My ten-year school reunion? As if. I'd rather give myself a colonoscopy with a Canon.

"I'm not sure, there's not much left for me there." I answered, she thought about it for a few seconds.

"I think it would be good for you, to get some closure." She said caringly, which was something that I hated and loved at the same time.

Loved it because it was good to have her taking care of me from time to time, but hated it because it made me feel like I had some kind of Oedipus complex, as if I was nailing my own mom.

"Closure? What is there for me to get closure on?" I asked, even though I was pretty sure I wasn't going to like the answer.

"Well, you haven't seen or talked to your ex in ten years, and I still feel like you left things..." I cut her off before she had a chance to finish her sentence.

"Diana, it's been ten years, I guess it's safe to say that I'm over her." I answered, she rolled her eyes.

"Oh, of course you are. Now tell me again about all the wonderful and meaning relationships you had throughout these past ten years." She said sarcastically, I huffed turning on the bed, so I was lying on my side.

"Haha, funny as ever. For your information, I've been focussed on my career, I didn't have time for an important relationship." I answered, she smirked.

"Didn't stop you from sleeping with basically every woman in your class, plus most of the nurses and doctors at the hospital. Some of which are married by the way." She said, I rolled my eyes. Well, that was their problem, not mine.

"I don't see the downfall, I get off, they get off. Everybody's happy. Plus, isn't that exactly what we are doing?" I answered simply, she rolled her eyes.

"You know damn well that's bullshit, we were friends long before we ever started sleeping with each other. Which makes me much more important than them." She said with a smirk, I laughed, leaning in and kissing her lips softly.

"Well, that is true. But that's because you've got no game. You didn't even kiss me until a year later, on my nineteenth birthday! And that was only because I couldn't be clearer with my signals." I answered. She narrowed her eyes down at me.

"Well, excuse me if I was scared as fuck of getting arrested. You were a child, and you had gone through a bad break up, you needed a friend, not a rebound." She answered simply, making me laugh.

"Yeah, believe whatever leaves your pride intact." I answered and she climbed on top of me, holding my arms above my head.

"Do you really want to see whom of the two of us has game?" She asked, leaning her face closer to mine. My body immediately tensed up as I felt her naked body against mine. I gulped audibly as she moved her hips against mine, making her smirk.

"Point made." She said with an obnoxious smirk, and climbed off of me. I pouted. Was she really going to leave me hanging like that?

"But you're really not going?" She asked, I sighed.

"I don't know, it's been so long. Plus, I don't even know if I can get the days off." I answered, she smirked.

"I don't know, I think you'd be able to persuade your boss." She said with a grin, I smiled mischievously.

"I do know if some things that can make my boss kneel at my feet. Quite literally I might add." I said, making her blush. It was fun that now I was the one making people get flushed for a change, it did make me feel powerful.

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