Chapter 2

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{Katherine Hills - Fiorella Mattheis}

Katherine's POV

"Miss Hills! Thank God you're already here! We need a decision on the Leoni's proposal." Miriam, my secretary shouted as soon as I crossed the threshold of Hill's Enterprises.

"Have you told him to fuck himself like I asked?" I asked her, she just blushed profusely before shaking her head no. I just smirked, it was funny to see her getting flushed.

"I already told him, I'm not selling. And that's the end of the story." I said, and she nodded.

"I'm glad you think so miss Hills, selling would put a lot of people out of work." She said, and I knew that she wasn't only referring to her job. She did care about everyone that worked here.

"I know, and don't you worry Miriam. I'm not selling." I said, and she nodded once again.

"I was just wondering, because Gio..." She started, but I cut her off with a raise of my hand.

"It doesn't matter what she wants, I still own the majority of the company's shares. I decide if we're selling or not, and I already decided against it." I said, hopefully putting her worries to rest. She nodded again, this time with a smile.

I sighed deeply, taking over my parent's business had definitely not been my first choice in life. To be honest, I wanted to be an artist. It was what I was good at, and it was what made me happy.

But when my father fell ill, about eight years ago, I really didn't have a choice. And by 'didn't have a choice,' I mean that my stupid sense of right wouldn't let me bail on them. So I went to law school, focussing on business, and started to work on the family business on the side. And four years later, I took over my father's half of the company full time. Having my parents as advisers.

Having the load of work lifted from his back certainly made wonders for my father's health, and I couldn't be happier about it. But that also meant that he didn't deal well with stress now, so I hardly bothered him with any business related issues. And the burden of the family business fell onto me.

At the moment, he was somewhere in Greece with my mom, I knew that because he would send pictures every day, saying how much they were enjoying it and how much they missed me and wished I was there with them.

Honestly, I would love that too, but someone had to stay and work. God damn it, when did I become such a softy? Ten years ago, I wouldn't care about anyone besides myself, and would you look at me now. Pathetic really.

I looked around, it was hard to believe that I was the biggest shareholder in this empire. My father and uncle build this company from the start with tears, sweat and blood. And even though my uncle had moved to Rome a few years after the company was founded, he was still very much in tune with everything that was going on.

But he said that he had to chase his love, and I couldn't agree with him more. After all, I had tried to do the same thing a few years back. The only difference was that he had succeeded, when I did not. He never gave up on the company though, and he would have daily conference calls with my dad. Well that was until four years ago, when he decided to retire.

I looked down at Miriam, she was a cute looking old woman, maybe in her sixties. She was several inches shorter than me, a little on the chubby side with a warm smile. She had shoulder length curly hair, that was already completely white.

Since I had known her she had always sported round glasses, 'Harry Potter' style, that comically enough, were broken in the middle and fixed up with white tape. I had bought several new pairs for her, but she always insisted on wearing the broken ones.

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