Chapter 7

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Katherine's POV

I sat down on my parent's dining room, stiff as a board as I watched them nonchalantly talking to Giovanna. For some unknown reason, they absolutely loved her. But then again, she seemed to turn into a completely different person when she was around them, it was uncanny.

"I am so glad that you're here Anna, it was about time that we caught up." My mother commented, making Giovanna smile brightly.

"I can honestly say the same aunt Simone, been a while since we last talked properly." She answered, sipping on her glass of wine.

My parents had returned from their trip about two days ago, and as soon as they landed they had arranged this small get together to catch up, as they both still valued family time as much as they could. And I didn't mind really, because I absolutely loved spending time with them. The only problem, of course, was my cousin, that right now, was sitting in front of me.

Since Giovanna had moved here, my parents made their duty to include her in everything. They felt guilty that she had to move to take care of her father's share of the company, while all her family and friends stayed back in Rome. So they kind of filled in the role. Which was greatly appreciated by Giovanna. By me, not so much.

Giovanna had always liked my parents, and maybe, having some parental figures in a new country was good for her, even if most of the times she was insufferable, she didn't deserve to be alone. After all, as much as I tried to deny it, she was still family.

"And how is everything going at the company?" My dad asked, making Giovanna's face fall slightly.

Now what would daddy dearest think if he found out that she wanted to sell the very thing he worked so hard in building? Now that would put a strain on their relationship. But I didn't dare say anything, if he was to find out anything, it wouldn't be through me.

"Ah you know uncle, same old, same old. Katherine and I have it covered." She answered, now taking another sip of her wine, while forcing a smile.

I had to force myself not to huff, what a little liar. But then again, my dad wouldn't be able to handle too much stress, so it was best that he didn't know anything. So if she wasn't going to tell him, I wasn't either.

"Anna is right, honey. You know you're not supposed to be worrying about the company." My mother answered, rather overprotectively.

When my dad had fallen ill, it took a toll on my mother too. The possibility of losing him was her absolutely worse nightmare, and since then, she had done her best to keep him away from anything even remotely stressful. And I could understand it, losing someone you love might be one of the worse, if not the worst thing that could ever happen to anyone.

"They're both right, dad. All you need to worry about now, is about planning your next amazing trip." I said with a smile, lightly touching his hand as he smiled back at me.

Lying to him wasn't really something I was proud of, but I knew that it was best if he didn't find out anything. I didn't know what I'd do if he fell ill again, I didn't think his heart would be able to take much more. So I had to do my best to keep him healthy, and if that meant a little lie here and there, there was nothing I could do.

"You're right, sweetheart. But do tell me, how is it working with your cousin?" He asked, making me gasp lightly. How was it? Horrible really, but it's not like I could tell him that.

"It's been great, nothing better than working with family." I lied, making Giovanna smile brightly once again. I had to force myself not to say anything more.

"Working with Katherine is always a pleasure." She added, winking at me, making me clench my jaw tightly. Really, in front of my parents?

"I'm glad to hear this, dear. You know you're like a daughter to us, having you getting along so well with Kate makes us incredibly happy." My mom said, oblivious to Giovanna's flirtatious look towards me. I just breathed deeply, looking down at my own plate, and then at the clock on the wall. Apparently, this night was going to last forever.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2018 ⏰

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