Chapter 4

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{Manuel Cabral - André Bankoff}

Amy's POV

"Okay, are you two all packed?" I asked, as I brought my suitcase into the apartment.

Diana just nodded while Lily had her attention towards the TV, and didn't even glimpse back to look at me. I just smirked lightly as I walked into the room. I knew she usually got into kind of a trance when she watched her shows, and I also knew that it pissed Diana off to no end.

"Lily, have you said hi to your aunt Amy yet?" She asked, narrowing her eyes down at her daughter, who reluctantly looked back to face me, with a small smile.

"Hi, aunt Amy." She said simply, as quickly as she could, before her attention drifted towards the TV once again, I just laughed while Di shook her head.

"That thing is going to rotten her brain." She said, with a little bit of resentment in her tone.

"Oh, relax, let her enjoy her shows. After all, she's only allowed two hours a day in front of the TV because of your crazy ass." I said with a small laugh, making Di roll her eyes.

"Well excuse me for wanting my daughter to be something more than those zombie kids that stay looking at screens the whole day." She said, as she finished zipping up Lily's small pink suitcase. I chuckled lightly.

"Sometimes you're too hard on her." I commented, but she only shrugged her shoulders.

And to be honest, I could see her side of it too. Diana might be a little strict when it came to Lily, but she only wanted the best for her daughter. And she was an amazing mother too, I couldn't deny that.

"So, did you call Amber yet?" I asked, changing the subject. Diana nodded again, with a small smile.

"Yes, I did. And she insisted that we all stay with her." She said, making me shake my head.

"What? Really?" I asked, making Di laugh lowly.

I never really understood her relationship with Amber. The two had been high school sweethearts, and they had dated for more than a decade too, only to have everything fall apart years later. But it was amazing how they managed to stay friends, even after all the crap that happened. I sure wouldn't be able to do that.

"Of course, you know she has always been fond of you, plus Lily loves staying over there because of little Ethan." She stated, and I nodded slightly.

"Yeah, but still, staying at your ex's house, with her new wife and son, isn't that weird for you?" I asked, rather carefully, because I knew that her break up with Amber was not a situation she liked to relive.

"What me and Amber had was great, and I wouldn't trade it for the world. But I have no romantic feelings for her anymore, she's just a friend, my best friend. I have no problem in staying in with them. Plus, Rachel is a lovely woman, I'm glad she makes my friend happy, and I absolutely love little Ethan." She explained, as if it was something extremely simple.

Although I still couldn't grasp how she could just ignore all those years they've been together, and continue to be friends. But I decided to just shrug it off, if she was happy and comfortable with it, I had no trouble in staying with them either.

"So, I'm not your best friend?" I asked, faking being hurt. She just rolled her eyes, but smirked lightly shortly after.

"You're a very special friend." She said, rather suggestively, arching one eyebrow.

I just laughed with a nod, thinking the exact same thing. After all, she wasn't my best friend either, that status would always belong to Manuel. But I couldn't deny that Di had some qualities that I had never found in any other friend, and I was pretty sure she felt the same way. She was special, and unique in a lot of ways. And if I was asked to, I didn't think I'd be able to explain our relationship, but I just knew that I didn't want to change it for anything in the world.

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