Chapter 3 [The trail of veridient caven]

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The moment Blue2 stepped in he saw a guy standing there, waiting for him.

Llima: Llima here, are you here to take on this trial?

Blue2: Yes I am.

Lima: Let's begin with your task then, you have to defeat all 3 ratata and go to find the normalion z.

Blue2: Ok.
Time skip after all the ratata were defeated and blue2 found the normalion z

Blue2s POV
Finally I said to myself as I picked up the normalion z suddenly totom Raticate
Blue2: Go frogadier.

Raticate used super fang

Writers POV

Blue2: Frogadier avoid it and use power up punch.

Super fang missed and raticate got hit by a strong power up punch. It had a ton of marks on its body and was struggling to stand up.

Frogadier finished it off with power up punch and power up punch hit again because raticate didn't move and fainted.

Llima: Good job and you know you will find totom Pokémons in every trail so don't be so surprised by that, it's normal to find strong totems in the upcoming trails. Next up Is Hala good luck.

Blue2: Ok.

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