chapter 23[The spirit and soul part 2]

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Last time.

I went to the back room and suddenly.

Back to story.

Blue2 POV

And suddenly I was sucked into a similar world which was known as the Distortion World and I saw giratina I was intimated for a while and I froze.

Giratina:You must be blue2.

Blue2: Please don't hurt me.

I said intimated as I heard many tales of people getting taken into the Distortion World and coming out dead.

Giratina: don't worry I won't kill you as I know you have suicune and you are the guardian of legendary Pokémon so why would I kill you because if I do I'll get punished by Arceus myself.

Blue2: Ok?

Blue2:What do you want with me?

I asked worryingly.

Giratina:Just a battle.


Blue2:Go Swampert!

Blue2: Swampert use ice punch!

Ice punch hits giratina and giratina used shadow force and hits Swampert quite hard.

Blue2: Swampert use ice punch!

Ice punch hits again and giratina used Energy Ball and Swampert fainted.

Blue2:Go lucario!

Blue2: Lucario mega evolve use dark pulse!

Dark pulse hits giratina and giratina used Earth Power.

Blue2:Lucario use flash cannon!

Flash cannon hits and giratina uses earth power and Lucario fainted.

Blue2:Go Ampharos!

Blue2: Ampharos mega evolve and use dragon pulse!

Dragon pulse hits giratina and giratina retariate by using Ancient Power and deals  a nice amount of damage.

Blue2: Ampharos use dragon pulse again!

Dragon pulse hit and giratina uses earth power and Ampharos fainted.

Blue2:Go Greninja!

Blue2:Lets do this!

I said while putting the darkium z on my z ring but suddenly it changed and into a z crystal that had a Shuriken on it.

And the z move activated and and Greninja made millions of clones of itself and stats to shoot water shuriken and some used night Slash a couple of million times and giratina fainted.

Giratina:Nice battle.

Blue2: Thanks.

Giratina: Now here the goastium z see ya.

Blue2:Acerola I finished the trail.

Acerola: congratulations so now go take on nanu.


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