chapter 1

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In the fourth city named aslia A car streaks across the road recklessly as it is being chased by assassins shooting at the car . a unknown voice says of we are going to die we

are going to die .another voice says shut up caryio we will be fine just focus on driving to the viosk .hector! yes zao how can I help ? by shooting back I know you have a good aim so shoot.Oh I cant

do that hector says . And why not? I might hurt a fly or someone. That's the point hector. Oh realy zao? I wont do it then.hector said as he crossed his arms in digust. Fine be that way zao says as he quicky

snatched the pistol from hector.zao what do u think you are doing you might get yourself killed exclaimed caryio. I will be fine you old goat he says as he fires out the window at the assassins

car. They get chased for a few more blocks then the assaassins car hydroplanes unexpecditly over the linas car as it contuined to its destitation.They swerve

into a empty parking lot at the viosk . A man then quickly runs out of the visok with a pistol in hand and investigates the assassins car to find some rabid dogs are eating the bodies of the former

assassins.The man says "it looks like the dogs do realy return to their own vomit "and shoots the

dogs. Yoi! what is it caryio the man says why didn't you come to are aid .we could have been

injured or worse! Oh stop worrying you stress fart .with zao you are always gonna be ok. I told you

so caryio zao says as he gets out of the car. Balancing on his cane . Yoi! Is the viosk in good condtion? And is my family realy in there? Yes yoi said are u ready to finaly meet them. yes zao said

as both he and yoi and hector go up the stairs of the viosk

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