chapter 3

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Hehehehhehe . gah no no spare me captian love I will become a rebel  a faita soldiger says . Hehehe no way you just said that .you make me laugh. Love says.  he aims his pistol at the

soldgeirs head and fires .captian do we purse the rest of them a rebel says .yes kill all of these fancy snobs hehehehe that will teach them not to take anything from us ever again.hehhehe. ahh a

voice says. Hmmm? What do we have here a rebel says raaaaaa! A voice growls as he stabs the rebel in the eye. Well well we got mr upety mike tao love says  your butt will be among the

cardivours today. Try me you pig mike says as he rushes love

let me put this nice bullet in your brain as love  dodges mikes knife.bam!  drip.gah  out of all the rich folk I have fought you are the toughest one yet  love says as he holds his side revealing a knife in it.

same to you love I thought you scum couldn’t put a bullet in   me but you did right in my  dang

shoulder ugh. Sir! A rebel said would u like to blow this snobs head off. No  let  pretty boy lie  there he has earned his life love says as he pulls the knife out of his side, get me a medic and make

sure she has big boobs hehehhehe let’s roll ,the  renegade rebels  then carry  love off on a stretcher. I’m sorry my dear fatia I couldn’t protect  the three crystal area mike says as he gets weaker from blood loss.


Bawl! If I only had went to you  earlier   zao most of my troops wouldn’t be dead and mike wouldn’t be in that hospital bed. Now now fatia it will be ok I will hunt down those rebel filth zao says as

he embraces crying fatia. Master zao! Caryio exclaims as he embraces faitia and zao in a bear hug.” Thx caryio we needed that but please get the heck off”. “Oops sorry zao im so so so sorry

“-caryio  says  as he backs away and trips over a bucket.ow ow ow caryio says . fatia giggles. I guess you still can make little girls laugh zao says. Ugh where am I a voice says. MiKE your alright! 

Screams fatia. She rushes  to his hospital bed and embraces mike.   Ow  mike says , oh I hurt you im no good. Fatia says. This is Good pain fatia as he hugs fatia.  What the heck happned to you zao

says, I  was almost killed by captian love.ow oh im so sorry about our  mercanys they got slaughterd by loves and julios army.  It will be ok .roger, Amanda and Louis and the rest of them will

not die in vain  we will hunt down these scum faita says. ‘And I will help to mike’ zao says as he puts his arm around faita.

all of a sudden a young gir bursts into the room and screams ryso and thomas have attacked the mansion  says the girl as she falls on the floor. Closia!!! Fatia wails why didn’t u stay where I told

you to stay u wouldn’t have been hurt    . fatia runs toward the  closia only to realize the imnese amount  of blood poring out of closias bullet ridden body. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Oh my dear fatia

im so so sorry zao says.  Why oh why does this keep happening to us caryio says as he crys.  Zao yet again embraces fatia whos beside closias corpse. Let let me neer closia mike says as he falls

out of his hospital bed. Caryio quickly cathes hunt down these scum faita says. ‘And I will help to mike’ zao says as he puts his arm around faita. him right before he hits the ground. No no let me

near  her caryio you big baby let me go he say as he

struggles against  caryio weak grip. No caryio says no we don’t need anyone else to die. Then put me beside her. Mike says as he crawls near closias body  he then crys and  hits the floor with his

fist  why why us mike whimpers.

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