chapter 4

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Rah! Gah  gahhhhh. Angel screams as she tosses   her chair against the viosks walls. Who does that little

brat think he is angel says.hehehe  zao lina of course vinny says. Ulk! Do you wanna say that again

vini angel says as she pulls out her bowie knife and  slams it into  the wall next to vinis head. Oh my dear angel  your issues wreck your beauty luca lina says as he winks at angel. Don’t try your puppy dog eyes

at me  you you gasp  angel then falls to the floor uncious. Thank goodness that’s over bia lina says

as she retrieves her knock out dart out of angels neck.  You realy should have camed her down a different way hector says.well too late bia says as she sits back down in her  chair with a devilish

grin on her face. Hector  and luca help me carry angel to  guest room in the viosk ted says. Ok! Both of them say. Lets do that again! Exclaims vinni. Lets hope not  bia says as she sits back down. I will

be leaving with vini. Now yoi says as he steps out of the darkness and  takes vinis hands and walks with her out of the viosk.yayyy

a car ride! Vini sqeals. May I come swai says as he breaks his silence and gets out of his chair. Of course yoi says lets go.oh crap run all of you! He says as he  and vini  runs toward the exit of the

visok.  The doors fly off of their hinges killing two lina guards !its party time! Exclaims a voice its me

Julio the fancy time to get this party started Julio says as he storms thourgh the entrance.wheres that brat zao?

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