chapter 2

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Grrrr your men failed me again ryso.what will  it take to kill one of those brat a vicoe said over 50 miles away from the crash site of the now Thomas no need to get hot under the

collar said ryso they were noobs anyway. Gah Thomas said as he threw down his hat I realy wanted to kill that idiot

caryio.dont worry ryso said we will get the entire litter some day. You had  better be right about that ryso or I will have your hair as a trophy Thomas said as he spit on the ground.If you try that Thomas

I wil shot you in the head ryso said has  he flips his hair and points his gun in the face of Thomas. Haha u r still slow Thomas ryso says as he puts away his gun.Be careful reckless  quick actions

might get you killed.YuP that’s my nickname don’t wear it out hahaha ryso says.ohh I think im going to have a headache again said Thomas.

 As  our group heads down the along red walls of the viosk  caryio says with a high and tired  vioceZao! Zao! Zao! What is it zao says with a annoyed look on his face.your hair is meesed up

caryio heck with that zao exclaims. Caryio you need to shut up says luco your annoying even

me. Excuse me  my brothers but we are apporching the ball room were we are to meet the others yoi  says.oh exclaimed all three as they proceed thourgh the large metal doors .As they enter

thourgh the doors they spy a large round table filled with people. A voice says “welcome my siblings

so glad you could make it”.So your  angel right?” Yoi said yes angel says as she falls right on her face.Ugh not again sorry about that angel says its quite all right zao says. “are you ok angel that’s

the third time you fell today’ a sudictive voice says “yes dia im quite all right” let me introduce yall to the group guys? Aw man not again as she sees caryios ,zao and hectors eyes are staring right at

dia.snap out of it angel says. Oh yes I’m sorry zao says as he takes his seat around the large purple table.” hector! Stop staring “caryio implores as he puts a dumbfounded hector to his seat. Let me introduce yall to everyone angel says this is vini she was born

with 6 fingers on her left hand.Vini does a cute face. That dapper looking one is luca “why helllo my brothers”luca says with a somewhat tiring voice. You have already met dia angel says as dia waves

her hand and me I demand it a loud voice says.”what the heck and angle says whos the little girl.” “that little girl is the ruler of a portion of this city and the last of the once thought exctint

  lulu family says zao as he gets up from his chair and  starts walking toward fatia and the two people behind her.what do u need fatia.” Zao we need u and your men to come to the three crystal sectors their being

attacked by renegade rebels and already 60 percent of my army and 30 perecnt of my guard have

died and I won’t take anyone else but you.’ “is it dire fatia? Ahem angel says as she acts annoyed we our in the middle of introducing everyone to yall , and u rudely ignore me sit down little boy”yea

exclaims swai lina.”Oh pipe down sis you always look on the bad side of things lets help this girl” dia says. Oh shut up dia repiles angel . stop yelling master zao may get a headache caryio says

.Zao and fatias group looks dumb founded as those three argue for 3 minutes the zao explains shut up you idiots.dia if u want to come you can lets go caryio as he slowly follows ,dia and fatias

crew  out of the viosk. “Wait master zao as caryio goes after them “well that was fun hector says  .

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