chapter 6

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 How rude of you just to barge right in on us discussing a importiant issue Hector says without thinking. What did you just say you  weakling julio says as he  turns around and pionts his gun right

in the direction of hector. I said  why are you so rude . hector then  get out of his seat and casuly walks toward julio

Dont come any closer or i will blow your heart out  a rebel behind julio says as he pionts his gun at hectors chest

 vini then giggles . Stop that julio says  with a nervous vioce .ion  who has been quiet all of this time  wheels his wheelchair toward hector and pushes his glasses

back onto his face and says ." You know  your annoying me with your presence  rebel. blam! blam!  the two rebels behind julio lay dead.  bia then blows her darts at two other rebels who have come into the room and the darts hit them right in the right eye. Yoi who had

fired the shots that killed the rebels  shoulder tackles julio to the ground.breaking several of julios teeth wich are now on the ground around yoi and julio.

Vini then walks up to julios  and says " i hope you sleep well Mr Rebel" then she backs away from julio and   runs toward bia and holds her hand.

"See you from heaven you crook" yoi says as he pionts his gun toward julios head .  He arms his pistol and reaims it at  julios head.

yoi then pulls the trigger

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2012 ⏰

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