chapter 5

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Ahh the lulus sure have  good taste ryso saysas as he sits down  in a chair on the balcony of  lulu

mansion. I just wish  the gaurds didn’t bleed so much. I decare it messes up the mansion. Sigh* oh well. He then sips his tea . ahhi like this cool breaze in my hair.  Who is there! Ryso says as he takes his pistol out of his holster  gets

up out of his chair and turns around nocking his glass of tea over. Its me you wretch dia says as she kicks the gun out of rysos hand. She  then  gets ryso in a headlock and leans him against the

balconys wall. Such nice hair you have ryso dia saysas she pulls it back and takes out her knife and lays the dull part of it on the back of rysos neck.i should kill you ryso the man whore but I wil just be

nice and  push you off of this balcony, oh no you don’t ryso says as  he butt  he tripps up dia with his free feet. Dia falls on the balcony floor  

her knife falls off of the balcony she then  quickly rebounds and kicks ryso in the crotch he then falls

down on the balcony floor in pain. Dia then  lays him on the balcony edge and kicks ryso off of the

balcony. See you later womanizer dia says as she jumps of  the balcony  and lays safely on the

grass minutes after ryso lays  face down on the grass oh i forgot to mention your hair is butt ugly

.lets go dia says as she runs toward a vechile with a male in it. alright says the male.  Dia then jumps into the car Might I say you look so fine dia

even when your sweaty clark says. oh just hit that acelertator or you will get us both killed dia says

as  they she sees soldigers rushing out of the mansion . clark then hits the accelerator and takes off in his fancy car right before the rebels  who where gaurding the mansion unloaded thier rifles at

dia and marks direction

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