Chapter One - Awake and Shocked

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Kaito Momota's Point of View
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As soon as Kaito opens his eyes, he wonders, 'Where am I?'
The tall male slowly sits up, rubbing his eyes and looking around the dim room. He frowns a little bit, unable to recognize it. But then, he looks around the room a little more and sees someone else.
"Maki Roll?" Kaito says, standing up.
He approaches the brunette. He tilts his head a bit to get a better view of her face, since her bangs are draped over it. Her eyes are closed, and her lips are slightly apart from one another. Her breathing is quiet and steady.
"Heya, Maki Roll... Wake up..." Kaito slightly taps Maki, who shifts. Kaito smiles softly. 'She looks so cute when she's asleep...' he says in his mind, sitting down beside the sleeping brunette. His eyes remain on her sleeping face, and he perks up as Maki shifts.
"Maki Roll??"
He sees Maki's red eyes slowly open. Kaito leans forward until his face is in front of hers. "Heya, sleepyhead," he says in a slightly joking tone.
Maki's eyes widen once she sees Kaito. She jumps back. "E-eh?! What are you doing?!" she says, her face becoming red.
     "I was just waiting for you to wake up, that's all." Kaito smiles.
     Maki pouts a bit and looks away. "D-don't do that again, y-you idiot..."
     "Aw, c'mon, Maki Roll, it's alright!" Kaito reaches over and ruffles Maki's hair. Maki pouts more and plays with her hair, causing Kaito to chuckle softly as he pulls his hand from the top of her head. "Besides... Uh..." Kaito glances around. "Do you know where we are?"
     Maki looks up from her twin tail and examines her surroundings. "No..." she mumbles, frowning. She stands up and looks around a little more, straying across the room, noticing a small sheet of paper. Kaito walks after her. The slightly childish handwriting on it says:
Nee-heehee! Aw, are you sleepy lovers awake now? Hahaha, you should be! Anyways, in case you're wondering where you guys are, I'm not telling~! You two are stuck in this room for the next 24 hours! Have fun~! - Kokichi.
     Kaito sees Maki's expression darken. Kaito himself frowns, angrily.
Kaito's not happy about this at all. Not that he minds spending time with Maki—he's just ticked they can't go anywhere at all for the whole day. He's also tired of Kokichi's annoying pranks.
Kaito sighs. His gaze moves towards the brunette beside him as he notices her expression. "Hey, Maki Roll... Maybe it won't be so bad! J-just you and I! No one will bother us!" he says, attempting to lighten the mood. He can feel his heart race slightly as he says, 'Just you and I!'
Maki turns to him, her red eyes staring up at him. Kaito feels relieved that the expression fades. "Yeah... I guess you're right," she mumbles. "But still. What's Kokichi trying to do with this whole prank?"
"Guess he's just being annoying again," Kaito murmurs. Kaito then grows red. "Wait..." He looks at the note. "'S-sleepy lovers?'"
Maki grows red as well.
Kaito looks back at Maki, eyes a little wide. "..."
Both remain silent.
Finally, Maki speaks up again. "T-that... T-t-that...can't be it..." she stammers, looking away.
"I-I-I doubt it is..." Kaito stammers as well. He folds his arms, shoulders tensing up slightly. "H-he's just being Kokichi."
Maki sits down against the wall. Kaito sits down beside her, staring at the floor, still red.
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Shuichi Saihara's Point of View
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Shuichi's in a complete panic. His back is against the wall, and his eyes are wide. Beads of sweat cling to his face, and he tries to take deep breaths. He stares at the sleeping Kaede a few feet in front of him. He can't believe it. He's stuck within a room with Kaede Akamatsu. He can't do this! He likes Kaede, but being stuck in a room with her is something that makes him nervous. Very nervous.
Suddenly the blonde shifts. Shuichi freezes, and Kaede sits up. The girl turns her head and looks at Shuichi. "Shuichi? Are you alright?" she asks.
Shuichi swallows a little. "I-I...u-uh..." he mumbles. He then shakily points at a small note.
Kaede stands. She goes over to the note and reads it. She turns back to Shuichi and frowns a bit. "Well... Guess we're stuck," she says casually.
Shuichi stands straight up and staggers over. "H-how are you so c-calm? Y-you're me!" Shuichi says, his voice quivering.
Kaede giggles a bit. "Aw, Shuichi! That's not so bad!"
Kaede smiles brightly. "I get to spend even more time with you! We can find ways to entertain ourselves until we're out of here. You could even tell me stories about that one case you solved!"
Shuichi calms down a bit, but then averts his gaze, remembering the look of malice that the culprit of the case had given him. Shuichi looks back at Kaede. He meekly smiles back, the image fading from his mind. "Y-yeah..."
Kaede smiles more. "Great!"
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Miu Iruma's Point of View
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Miu feels something shaking her gently. She groans in her sleep and shifts, only to feel something shake her again.
"Miu?" a muffled voice says.
Miu wakes up, opening her eyes and sitting up. The female rubs her eyes and looks beside her, seeing a pair of aquamarine eyes staring into her sky blue eyes.
"Ah, Miu! You're awake! Thank goodness!" Keebo says with a smile.
"K-Keebo...? Keebo!" Miu hugs Keebo tightly, laughing a bit. "Oh, thank goodness it's just you and not that little gremlin, Kokichi!"
Keebo wraps his arms around Miu in return. "Yes... Although..."
"We are trapped in this room together," Keebo says.
Miu grows silent. She suddenly feels her heart begin to throb. Keebo? Trapped in a room with her?
Uh oh.
Miu grins and bursts into laughter. Keebo gives her a confused look. Miu then looks at Keebo. "This is great!" she says. "We get and me time." The female gives a larger grin.
Keebo smiles innocently. "Ah, yes! The one thing is, Kokichi is the one who trapped us here for 24 hours."
Miu huffs. "I don't care if Kokichi trapped us or not! I could give you some upgrades!"
"Without your tools?"
Miu's smile fades. "..."
"No tools? No tools?! Ugh!" She throws her arms up. "Dammit! Just what I need!"
"It's alright, Miu. It would probably be better to perform the maintenance on me within your lab," Keebo says with a reassuring smile.
Miu looks at the robot. She blushes and huffs, folding her arms. "Yeah, probably..." she mumbles with a disgruntled look upon her face.
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Rantaro Amami's Point of View
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     Rantaro watches the sleeping Tenko with curiosity, head slightly tilted. To the explorer, the Aikido master looks so peaceful as she sleeps. This causes Rantaro to smile softly, green eyes remaining on Tenko's face. He knows this peaceful Tenko would be short lasted, though, for she'll wake up soon.
     Just as he predicted, Tenko wakes up. Rantaro smiles a little more. "Hey, Tenko. Sleep well?"
     "Wha—? HUH?!" Tenko exclaims as she jumps up, staggering away and getting into a defensive pose. "W-what do you want, you degenerate male?!" The female shouts.
     "Nothing," Rantaro says casually, standing up. "Kokichi's the one who wants something."
     "Eh? What are you talking about?!" Tenko says, eyebrows raising.
     "He trapped us in here for twenty-four hours," Rantaro explains.
     Rantaro puts his hands up. "Whoa, calm down, Tenko," he says. "It's just for a day. It's not that bad."
     Rantaro sweat-drops slightly. "Okay... I know you hate guys and all, but bear with me. I'm not gonna do anything to you," he mumbles with a small shrug.
     "I doubt that! All men are the same! All they think about is se—!"
     "Not all men think about that, Tenko."
     "Prove it!"
     "Well, I, for one, don't really have a lot of interest in that stuff. And Gonta's too...innocent," he says.
     "You could be lying!" Tenko huffs.
     Rantaro sighs a bit with a chuckle. "I'm not Kokichi."
     Tenko suddenly chuckles as well. She then shakes her head. "Still! All men are the same!"
     "Whatever you say. I'm gonna see if we can do anything." And with that, Rantaro turns around and walks off.
     Rantaro can honestly go a day in a room with Tenko. It should be easy to tolerate her energetic behavior, right? Especially because Rantaro is so calm. Besides, he has so many siblings. So one Tenko should be easy to deal with, as long as she doesn't do anything too rash.
     Rantaro looks back at Tenko. The female is now sitting on the ground, staring at nothing. Rantaro turns and walks back towards her, sitting in front of her. "Hey."
     "Ah! W-what do you want, degenerate menace?"
     "Like I said earlier. Nothing."
     Tenko huffs again and looks away. Rantaro chuckles lightly.
     Maybe a day with Tenko is bound to be more interesting than he thought.
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Himiko Yumeno's Point of View
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     "Rise and shine, sleepyhead~!"
     These muffled words ring though Himiko's ears. The girl groans and opens her eyes, sitting up and rubbing her eyes slightly. She then looks and sees Kokichi, standing in front of her, his face in front her own. "N-nyeh!" Himiko exclaims as she jumps back.
     "Nee-heehee!" Kokichi grins and giggles. "Did I scare ya?"
     "O-of course you did! How would you feel if you woke up with someone's face in yours?!" Himiko says, pouting.
     "Huh. Good question. I dunno. Oh well!" Kokichi giggles again.
     "What do you want, anyway?!"
     Kokichi smiles slyly. "I wanna be stuck in this room with ya for twenty four hours!"
     "Whaaaaaat?!" Himiko exclaims, eyes widening.
     "Hahaha, yep! Just you and me! Twenty four whole hours!"
     Himiko feels herself panic. "I-I can't be in here with you for just ten minutes!"
     "Weeeeell, you don't have much of a choice!" Kokichi says with a casual smile. "You can't leave!"
     Himiko frowns and turns away. "Nyehhhh... Great... I'm stuck in a room with him of all people..." she mumbles.
     "Aw, c'mon, little Himiko~! I'm not that bad!" Kokichi says, suddenly hugging Himiko from behind.
     "A-ah!! G-get off!" Himiko says.
     Himiko pouts. She tries to wriggle from the boy's grasp, demanding to be released. Kokichi finally lets go and Himiko stumbles away from him.
     "Nee-heehee! Aw, man! I thought that we were friends!"
     "Friends?! You and I?! Not in a million years!" Himiko protests, pointing an accusing finger at Kokichi.
     Kokichi giggles a bit. "Aw, stop being so grumpy!"
     Himiko groans and turns, shuffling away to prepare herself for a long twenty four hours.
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Ahwhehdjeebsjsbsbsbbs that took so long! ;w;
Also, hello everyone! I'm back with another story!
Kokichi is basically being a little shit again oops.
But yeah, so this is just a bunch of ships I guess.
This is not linked to my previous fan fiction...I guess 030.
Anyway I should actually sleep lmao, see you guys!

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