Chapter 2

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This chapter will be a little bit serious, as it's explaining a few things... But read on!!!


It was the evening of the next day, and Lenny, Eman, Paulie and John were sitting in a dark room, next to a fireplace, trying to figure out how, after months, and hundreds of stolen victims, they could get these girls to break their curse.

"We should just give up." Paulie muttered. Len, John and Eman rolled their eyes, frustrated with Paulies depressing mood.

"Um, easy for you to say, Mr. manly wolf. You're not the one stuck as a FRIGGEN MERMAID!" John growled, turning away to light a cigarette.

"Look, we have to at least try..... I'm getting hungry..." Len sighed. If only what he craved was food. As a demon, he craved souls and bodies, not like he wanted to...A curse isn't exactly something you want. Eman was scratching behind his neck, a sudden crave for blood coming... If only he could just do what those sparkly creatures in twilight do, and eat animal blood, but unfortunately, vampires aren't like that in real life.

"I'm getting hungry too!" Paulie got excited. He could eat animal meat. But lucky for him, animal meat is already killed and served to you with yummy spices and flavours that you can enjoy, Len thought sarcatsically, jealousy overwhelming him. As a demon, your negativity is about 98%.

"Me too! I want oysters..." John smiled. As a merman, he could only eat seafood, which is also served. John looked at Len and Eman, Lenny looking exhausted, Eman looking upset. He felt bad for them. Their curse was possibly the worst.

"Alright, lets go then." Lenny nodded, his face hardening. It was hard for him to show emotion, or even be good... He's a demon, afterall, he smirked a nasty smirk. The boys wrote letters to their little kidnapped "friends." Before getting ready.

"I hate this..." John growled, as he sat in his wheel chair. It annoyed him how he had to always get the food for him and Paulie at night. Whenever they were outside at night, the curse would show their true selves, and it would be kind of weird if a werewolf showed up at Macca's, so John sat in his wheelchair, hiding his feminine tail, and would roll off to collect the food, leaving Eman and Lenny to hunt.

The boys finished their letters to the girls, sneaking in their rooms and out, and went off to eat.


Jessie was tossing in a strange bed. A scary nightmare playing in her dillusional mind. A Scary, pale lifeless vampire coming for her. Black eyes. Cold. Dark! BLOOD!

"ARRRGGGHH!" Jessie screamed, snapping her eyes open. Sweat running down her face as the events of last night hit her all over again... Sofia, Holly! Where had those bastards put them? She studied the empty room, and her eyes slid over to a piece of paper that hadn't been there before. She opened it, reading the words inside.

Hey my little captive,

Since you're stuck until you can release my curse, or until I get sick of you and kill you, you may wonder around the house, but don't go outside, we have scary animals... Big and furry! They'll love to put a chunk in your leg. Me and the others have gone to eat. You may find your friends if you're bothered. Well... bye human.

Eman, ze vampire

Ps. Really? matching underwear and socks? And yes, of course I changed you, couldn't have a cold and dirty human around me, could I?

Jessie blushed and scowled. That pervert! Ughh, whatever, him and those two other scary ones and the mermaid - Um, man, were gone. Wait! Sofia and Holly are here! Jessie got up, and rushed out the door to look for them!

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