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[Euntae(Vasco) x Reader]

It was Monday morning, little (Y/n) had to get ready for school. The only problem was (Y/n) was terrified of going to school. The reason why was simple. Her bullies. It wasn't long after (Y/n) started middle school did she start getting harassed. It started at the older 'prettier' (uglier) girls finding all her physical flaws and making them seem like the worse things possible. (Y/n) started becoming very insecure and soon after couldn't stand people because she was afraid of them judging her. After a while the group of girls that bullied her brought their boyfriends into it. The leader of the group was a pretty boy but he was so sadistic [and not in a good way] and cruel to her when he found out his girlfriend didn't like her. The physical torture became a daily thing for (Y/n). She would go to the groups meeting point everyday, (Y/n) would be beaten and 'tattooed'. Cicada was another who had been abused by the group of bullies until a new boy came along. Euntae was his name. He didn't like the fact that he wasn't the only to be beaten. He seemed to have gotten a bit angry every time he was around to see (Y/n) get beaten and tattooed.


One day he stood up and fought against the bullies for her.

"You shouldn't hit a girl," he said a dark shade covered his eyes as he stood in front of (Y/n) who had been curled up in the fetal position covering her head.


(Y/n) couldn't help but grow a crush on Euntae. He stood up for her a couple times and when those times came around she felt bad that she hadn't stood up for him.

When Euntae hadn't come to school for a couple days she began to worry about him. She had seen them tattoo him, though shortly after she had been marked too. He didn't make one sound during the whole thing. She was impressed by him and found him to be a very strong boy, she followed suite leading her to a whole new world of pain after.

The female leader had been standing over (Y/n), her heel had been dug into the smaller girls ribs. The older girl had been laughing and insulting her because of the short grunts that came out of her mouth when the male leader had carved into her skin. Today was different though, the group of high schoolers had started torturing (Y/n) in front of a larger group of people.

The male leader had squatted beside (Y/n), he ran the tips of his fingers up her leg from her knee to her mid-thigh, an evil smirk plastered on his face.

"Such soft skin, would you mind if I had draw on it?" he asked putting the tip of the pen to her thigh. Cicada hadn't shown up so (Y/n) had been the only one suffering and the whole group had targeted her.

(Y/n) was at her breaking point. When he started to dig the sharp point into her thigh she let out a cry. Tears ran down her face as she stared at the area he had started drawing.

"Please, p-please stop!" (Y/n) managed to say between her freaked out cries. She started to feel something negative boil in her stomach. The male leader had finally gotten fed up with how loud she had become so quickly that after he finished carving the small depiction in her skin he stood and kicked her in the face. Her nose started to bleed.

"Shut up!" He screamed at her. The female bully had pulled her heel from the bruised and bloody middle school girl and stood beside her pretty boyfriend. Sadistic smiles had laid on both of their faces. They both stepped closer to the petite female. And as they did so she started scooting back. Small blood smear marks were left behind as she tried to escape. But then Jace busted into the room. The bullies had turn their attention to him. That's when he requested that they stop what they had been doing. When he had done so he had made eye contact with (Y/n). A look of pity and sympathy had come across his face as if he had actually cared how beaten and bloody she had been. Not too long after the bullies had started to beat him Euntae had came in.

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