To be lonely vs To be alone

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A little girl sits by the window in her bedroom looking at the rain. In her mind, she's composing symphonies, painting the sky, moving the seas. She's got the world, still she feels alone. Not lonely, alone. You see there's a difference. To be lonely means that you feel the need to be with someone and they're not there for her even if they are, but to feel alone... To feel alone means being lost, it means not having people around, it means not seeing the good in the world. It's not hurting, it's suffering. And to suffer is so much deeper than to hurt. You're hurting, you get up and make it better. You're suffering? You have this antagonising pain in your chest, ripping, tearing, grabbing every single shred of happiness you possess in your body and turning it into nothing but a raw and pure representation of every cruel thought you've ever had.
This girl, she's not a bad person yet her heart is filled with negative energy,

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