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Life. Simple word, four letters, two syllables... Yet, so complex. What's the definition of life? What's the secret of life?
Love? Friendship? Work? Emotions? Sense of fulfilment?
We are human. We're flawed. We're broken. We're perfect. We're happy.
We make mistakes, but we should never regret them. They're done. And they can hurt, but we shouldn't live in the past. We can look back at it, miss it, but the most important thing is we must learn from it. A mistake is what teaches us to change. And change can be good or bad. But the human heart is addicted to changing. And if we change too much we forget who we truly are.
We should be careless, but carful. Fragile, but strong. We should be rational, but impulsive. Some of the best things in life are absolutely and completely spontaneous. But some of the worst are caused by impulse, by not thinking things through. There is no weakness in saying we're hurt, allowing people to see you at your worst is the biggest proof of strength that anybody can give. It is saying I'm broken, and i need your help to not be like this any longer cause I deserve to be happy.
So be brave, and don't think that bravery is the absence of fear. Bravery is to do the right thing, even if it scares the living hell out of you.
Be sure of you are, knowing that to be sure you must doubt everything first.
Be happy, knowing that allowing yourself to feel sad is one of the steps to be ok.
Everything you do affects others. People change people. We are all connected. And we all have a choice in what to say or on how to act. Because each step we take is linked to a step someone else is taking. Be in charge, destiny is just an excuse to wait for things to happen instead of making them.
So, be gentle, be bold, be daring, be flawed, be sad, be free, be yourself, be strong, be everything be nothing. Be what makes you happy and even more be what makes you, you.
But in the end, be kind, always. Because everybody you meet is fighting a battle that you know nothing about, so be kind.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2018 ⏰

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