Celia wakes up and tries to talk, but she can't, so she looks at her twin wide awake not having any trouble breathing at all, and she looks at her sister grabs one of her homework papers just pileing up by her bed, and trys to write but her fingers won't move, so she just drops the paper and stops breathing for more than a second, Healia freaks out which opens her stiches and pushes the button for the nurse to come in, and the nurse fixes Healias stiches then runs and grabs the Doctor as Healia is resting, and gets Celia breathing again, but they still can't find out what is wrong with Celia, but they take Celia into the x-ray room and they find out Celia has the same thing Healia did but a little worse, Doctor goes, and tells that to Desmond and Tealia, and they say "do whatever you need to do to get my children better" the Doctor goes and gives Celia the surgery, but it takes all day, Desmond and Tealia fall asleep watching Healia, Healia fell asleep catching up on all her work.