Chapter 3

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A few weeks after getting to know the new boy, he started acting strange. We usually just talked a lot and were on our phones -since we never really did anything in that class- but today he wasn't talking or on his phone. He had his head down on the desk and he also looked like he was in pain.

"What's wrong with that psycho?" The girls behind us whispered and quietly laughed.

I rolled my eyes.

Has anyone ever taught them how to shut the fuck up. I thought. Is he okay? Just ask him if he's okay?

I opened my mouth to talk but no words came out.

"I'm fine." He said. "I'm just so hungry that my stomach is hurting."

"Hey." One of the girls said. "Shut the fuck up."

"A lot of other people are talking." He began. "Why aren't you telling them to shut up?"

"This is a math class." She began. "They can talk if they want to."

"Then if 'this is a math class, they can talk if they want to,' then he can talk if he fucking wants to." I turned around and told her and then turned back to my desk. "Dumb bitch."

"How did you know what I was thinking?" I asked him.

Suddenly, the bell rang and we had to go to seventh period. As we were walking out of the building, a boy from our sixth period class walked up to him and started bothering him. A few seconds later, another boy also walked up to him and started bothering him.

What the fuck? I thought. These people need to leave him the fuck alone.

Then, one of the two boys punched him and they started fighting. Angry, I ran up to them and tried to break up the fight.

"LEAVE HIM THE FUCK ALONE!" I shouted at the two boys.

Everyone stopped what they were doing and stared at me.

After that, the new boy walked out of the building.

"Why are you leaving?" One of the boys shouted as the new boy left the building. "Pussy."

"Says the one that came and fought him from behind like a little bitch." I told the boy and left the building to see where the new boy went.

When I saw him, I ran up to him and started walking next to him.

"Leave me alone." He said and started acting weird.

"What's wrong?" I asked, worried.

"Nothing." He said, starting to panic.

Suddenly, he turned around and started walking the way we had come. Instead of going inside our sixth period building, he went behind it.

Worried, I followed him and went behind the building too. When I got behind the building, he was gone. When I looked at the building, I saw holes leading up to the roof.

How the fuck did he climb a two-story building that damn fast? I thought. I don't want to climb all the way up there. I don't have the energy for that.

So then, I started climbing up the building. When I got to the top of the building, I almost fell when I saw what was up there.

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