Chapter Six- Our Lady Of Sorrows [Part One]

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The air was icy cold once again as I left my house, just like it had been the last time I went out with George. Once again I had distressed at the lack of originality in my wardrobe before opting to wear a black shirt, a red and black striped tie with safety pins and a chain attached, the usual black skinny jeans and a pair of red Converse high-tops. I straightened my fringe and sprayed the short sides of my hair red before smudging some eyeliner around my eyes.

 I stupidly left my jacket at home.

 The cold air hit my throat jaggedly and left behind a burning sensation. I walked as quickly as I could to the same pizzeria we had been to before.

 This time the date was set in stone. There would definitely be no Matt, no Rich, no Jake, no Bryan. Just me and George, for definite. Again, he was late and I stayed outside, waiting for him; I was way too awkward to go inside and give my name to the waiter. Social contact? No thank-you.

 When I’d asked my mum if I could go out tonight she’d agreed because she had a date too. I’d rolled my eyes, groaned and pretended to be sick. This had earned me a light pinch on the back of my hand. I’d made sure she would not be going to the same restaurant with Mr Hughes as I was going to with George.

 Eventually George arrived, looking as hot as always in a plain black t-shirt and ripped grey skinny jeans, the Kurt Cobain Converses I so badly wanted to steal on his feet. He grinned his sweet, slightly lopsided grin and ruffled my hair.

 “I love it when you spray your hair red.” he said. I chuckled.

 We went inside and the waiter apologised about the chef running a bit behind. We told him not to worry and were sat at the same table as last time. There was a minute or two of awkward silence and then the conversation flowed easy and carefree.

 “You sang… amazingly in music today.” I told him. He ducked his head.

 “No I didn’t. I’m going to let you guys down, I know, I’m sorry.” he mumbled.

 “No you’re not! You have such a beautiful, strong voice!” I retorted.

 “No. You and Rich and Jake can all play guitar so brilliantly, Bryan’s just epic on drums and Matt’s got more skill on the bass than I could ever dream of having… You’re all going to create a beautiful piece of music. And then I’m going to ruin it.” he sighed.

 His self-doubt was awful but so adorable at the same time. I reached out a hand and clasped his tightly. I leaned forward slightly, towards him, over the table.

 “You need to forget every single negative thing anyone has ever said to you, Gee. You’re a beautiful person with such an incredible voice.”

 He looked up at me almost solemnly but nodded. A few moments of silence.

 “Maybe you guys should start a band.” he suggested.

 I stopped, dead. I had always wanted to be in a band, ever since my mother had been able to afford a computer and internet connection and I had searched up my favourite songs and watched the videos on YouTube of them being played live and watched band interviews religiously, studied their performances with care and took in every detail. Yes, I wanted to be in a band. And who better to start one with than with my friends? George included, of course.

 “I’m not starting a band without you.”

 “I’ll hold you guy’s back-”

 “If anything you’ll propel us forward- you little Gerard Way.” I said, and he laughed.

 Our food finally arrived and we ate childishly, picking off pieces of the crust and throwing it at each other, earning us many laughs and glares from the people who worked and ate at the restaurant.

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