Chapter Six- Our Lady Of Sorrows [Part Two]

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 I chased after George as he went crashing downstairs, trying to move faster than his legs would allow. He tripped and stumbled in his haste but eventually reached the downstairs hallway and picked up the car keys from the little bowl near the door.

 “Whoa, dude, do you even know how to drive?” I asked him.

 “No, but I have to get to school, quickly… Can you drive?” he asked, his eyes full of pleading.

 “No… but I used to have one of those car games when I was a kid?”

 “That’s good enough for me, let’s go!”

 He threw the car keys to me and I paused before following him out of the front door. I unlocked the car and we clambered in; he hadn’t even told me what was wrong but I guessed something had happened to Matt. I took a deep breath before starting the car engine, which seemed to roar into life. I thought about all the times I had seen people drive- my mother rarely used the car because petrol was so expensive- and I remembered that you had to position the mirrors. So I did that, correctly, I hoped, and then pressed down on the clutch, shifty the car into reverse-

 It cut out.


 I started it again and this time managed to just make it out of the driveway without hitting anything, though a commuter got a very nasty shock as I backed the car out onto the road a little faster than I had intended. I started down the road and everything felt strange and there was so much I had to think about and my brain was going mental and-

 “FOR FUCK SAKE JAMES, THERE ARE OTHER FUCKING CARS ON THIS ROAD, Y’KNOW!” George screamed as I had to slam my foot down on the brake, narrowly avoiding a collision with the car in front of us. I exhaled deeply with relief and started to drive a little more slowly when the car in front began to move again.

 “YOU’RE NOT A GRANDMA, JAMES, PUT YOUR FUCKING FOOT DOWN!” George yelled, and so I ignored his previous instruction and did as he ordered- slammed on the accelerator.

 The car leapt forward and we both grabbed the steering wheel, turning it this way and that, dodging through the traffic at high speed. George kept pulling the wheel this way, I thought we should go that way, it was mayhem, plus we were driving like we were on a motorway instead of the High Street of a little town. We went rocketing straight through a red light and almost crashed straight into a lorry… I pulled sharply on the wheel and we swung round the lorry and were soon turning into the road that led down to school.

 It was at this moment that I realised both me and George were yelling. I hadn’t even noticed that we had been shrieking for the whole ordeal. I suddenly became very self-conscious and shut up, and then George seemed to realise too.

 We ‘parked’ the car a few metres away from school and then ran over to the courtyard where we could see pretty much the whole of our year as well as half of the year below in a circle surrounding something. No teachers were there.

 “Out of my way! Move!” George shouted, pushing apart the crowd as he fought his way to the centre of the circle.

 “James! George!” Jake yelled, and he ran over to us and helped us battle our way through.

 When we got to the clearing in the centre… Matt was on the floor. Covered in blood. Maisy was knelt beside him, shrieking.

 “He tried to fight back!” she was yelling repeatedly to George. George lunged forward and started speaking in hushed, rapid speech to his brother. He shuffled forward and slid Matt’s head onto his lap, supporting him as he asked questions.

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