Lost Feelings

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"The baby looks just like you Jungkook" he could hear his own mother whisper it to his alpha. He was exhausted but no one apart from Jimin came to talk to him ever since then. It was as if they all forgot his existence. Jimin too has a little one just like him, 1 year old chubby and cute. Taehyung loves her. Her name is Jiyeon.

"Your baby is so cute Taehyungie..." The brunette smiled weakly while watching his interwined fingers with that of his best friend's.

"He looks beautiful..my son.." The ravenette smiled. His son. Taehyung smiled bitterly to himself. So that was all he was useful for. He couldn't even get to hold that young life within his arms for more than a few seconds..and that child was no longer even his?

He cried yet again which seemed like a joyful cry but this time his face was emotionless. He had been through enough..

"Taehyung..what'll we name him..?" He saw a calm smile on the ravenette's lips but sadly that smile wasn't for him right? Just for his son. That's right. Taehyung sighed a little pretending to be exhausted but then he put up a fake smile like he always does..except for back then when his smile towards Jungkook was real..

"Whatever you like.." Taehyung voiced out weakly while caressing his child's tender cheek.

"How about Taejung?" Taehyung felt hot tears pricking at his eyes. He never even once expected something like that to slip out of his cold lips..

"I-Its nice.." he sniffled but once again the child was out of his sight with his father cuddling him deeply showing him his family.

"Taejungie meet your grandma" The old lady was chuckling at the baby's cuteness. Taehyung watched the family smile in unison at the sight of the innocent being, but soon enough he fell into a deep slumber, his eyes stained with fresh tears.

You will never hold a place in his heart.


1 year later

"Does Jungie like this??? Hmm?? "


Taehyung giggled from a corner seeing his young boy playing with his father's new set of plush toys. Jungkook seemed to be too immersed in his parenting skills these days he almost forgot that there was his omega serving breakfast for the duo at the table..

"Jungkook" he voiced out calmly to see his alpha carrying the boy clad in a soft fur blanket in his arms towards the table . Taehyung sat on the side with tired eyes as he saw his alpha setting the younger one on his lap.

"Taehyung there's only plate for two-"

"I ate already.." He smiled weakly. Jungkook felt a light pang on his chest for thinking that Taehyung had missed the plate for their child. He nodded understandingly and set the food for the little one jumping on his lap. He chuckled and took up the spoon to feed the younger with his usual games to get him to eat. After three spoons of milky cereal and giggles he couldnt find Taehyung anywhere near them. He might've gone to do laundry, Jungkook wondered..

"Appa has to go now. Okay??"

"Appwaaa!!!" The boy screamed not letting go of the ravenette's neck. Jungkook chuckled and he almost sighed thankfully for seeing Taehyung rush towards them to grab the child from him.

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