Slipping away

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"Taehyung.." Jungkook crawled towards the male on the other end of the couch. Taehyung kept away the chips he had been munching down for movie night. He unconsciously passed over the sleeping boy in his arms to his alpha seeing which Jungkook looked at him confused.

"Tae.." The young omega nodded with his doe eyes filling up with curiosity. Taehyung passed him the plate of chips instead. Jungkook knitted his eyebrows in  sudden confusion. Jungkook usually calls him by "Tae" whenever he wants to cuddle with Taejung or needs something else.  But the omega's eyes widened as he saw Jungkook settling the little one away from them on the couch and keeping away the plate to move towards Taehyung.

"What's wrong Jungkook?" Taehyungs face seemed to make him feel guilty right then. His eyes no more had that fondness inside of it. It looked completely... tired...just tired of something..was it because of him?

"There's a family get together tomorrow and i was thinking if we could go out after that.." Jungkook smiled warmly while gripping the younger's hands within his, squeezing them gently.

"N-No...i..i-im okay with being here... b-besides you've been tired lately-"

"No. You have to.."

Taehyung sighed mentally. His alpha was stubborn but what did Jungkook know about forcing his likes on others? Taehyung wanted to just have some alone time that was all he was eager for. Not some useless date with his alpha.

"No. I just don't feel like it.." The younger smiled bitterly while slipping his hands from his alpha's hold. Jungkook looked guilt ridden at his own rough hands. The sudden loss of the soft fingers made him feel hurt. At this point Taehyung wasn't even scared of what Jungkook might think. Even he himself couldn't think straight now.

Two years. Two years he lived with that man in fake hopes and bore a child for him out of mistake. Taehyung can feel his heart aching at the thought . His youth had simply gone down the drain.

"Is there something wrong Tae? You can tell me.." Jungkook's voice only seemed to scare the brunette now. The ravenette's heart sank a little seeing the omega sliding away from him to the farther end of the couch. People would be weirded out right now seeing the distance between them.

"I-Im fine..." That was Taehyung's answer every single time. Jungkook had known that he had never asked Taehyung's whereabouts or even checked up on his health back then..but now his frail body seemed to make him shiver. Just holding his tender fingers made him uncomfortable. Like it was going to break if  held wrong.

"G-Goodnight.." Taehyung stuttered as he kept away the plate of chips and brushed the crumbs from his lips. He jittered his way to the bedroom and whimpered as soon as he shut the door. Taehyung looked at his shaking hands. Even the slightest of a physical contact with him made him lose his mind.

No he didn't want to fall for him again. Never..not for those sweet lies.

Jungkook stared solemnly at the little boy sleeping soundly on the couch. Such a fragile thing. Jungkook gently brought forward his hand and ruffled his hair. So soft just like his mother's. And his smile too..that box shaped smile he never gets to see these days..

Jungkook wasn't blind, he could see how Taehyung's smile had grown faker throughout the years, it was killing him inside. He couldn't help himself how he never found the time for the younger. He was too goddamn busy he knew it wasn't his fault but fate decided to play that game. After all he was the only son of his family.

But one thing he couldn't deny was the fact that he gave more importance to Taejung over time..yes it was a sad truth..


Maybe because the little boy was innocent..hadnt seen the world..was curious just like his young self. There was no way he could hurt him. But Taehyung? Did he hurt him? No he didn't. Something was stopping him from getting close to his own mate. It frightened him. Keeping people he treasured close to him was one thing Jungkook couldn't seem to get right.

Or was he just scared of getting hurt in the end...?

Even just a few days ago when he returned back from work he remembered how Taehyung flashed a smile forcefully at his assistant Jihoon upon opening the door but not him..

Jungkook tried his best to get his attention but as soon as he had took off his black framed spectacles to keep them away Taehyung was out of his sight.

Even when he trailed his way towards the bed Taehyung was still sleeping at the corner, he was afraid he might fall off. Just when he was sure the younger was fast asleep he pulled him gently by his waist and  settled him closer to himself, an arm under the younger's head. The feeling of his skin so close to his own felt so refreshing. His slightly long, soft caramel brown hair brushed past his chin but it was nowhere near to uncomfortable, it felt soft instead for the ravenette. He wondered why he always pushed Taehyung away in the first place. He  stared minutes or even hours at that innocent face of his mate . But unlike other days he couldn't sleep well that day because of a certain brunette stealing his gaze in the moon lit room.


Morning hit the room as the brunette yawned parting his lips to see that his head was not on the usual white pillow of his but instead on his alpha's muscular arm, his own arm thrown over the elder's chest.


Jungkook smiled fondly at him and extended his fingers to gently ruffle the latter's messy bed hair. This came as a complete shock to Taehyung. He had done a big mistake. He should've never crossed the line. How did he even end up like this?

"I-Im sorry!" Taehyung crawled away pulling up the blanket to cover himself. His breathing was rapid , Jungkook's eyes widened in puzzle. What was he sorry for?? Did he disgust him that much to the point that his omega wasn't willing to be as close as an inch near him?

"O-Oh look it's time for Taejung to go to school-"

"It's a day off...Tae..." Taehyung's deep brown orbs which looked like they were panicking just moments ago now came to a calm. He stuttered as the realisation slowly hit him. Jungkook raised himself up ready to pull his mate into a warm embrace from behind but Taehyung had already stumbled his way out of the room. He froze. Jungkook's heart clenched in regret as he saw the figure vanishing out of the door. Taehyung's eyes were lacking something. Was it courage? Was it love?

"W-What am i doing??" Taehyung whimpered while running his hands through his hair. Jittering through the kitchen floor he tapped at his chest feeling the guilt rushing into it. The sudden care from Jungkook's part was making him scared. He didn't know how to react. How to face it..maybe he had lost his old self. That playful young boy who knew how to adapt.

Or maybe he too was afraid of getting hurt again..

His phone soon buzzed pulling him out of his thoughts. His hands trembled it's way to the message screen.

From unknown

Today 9pm at the club?

Taehyung sniffled while holding the object close to his chest and before his mind could decide, his fingers had already typed in the word...


(A/N): keep leaving comments and also dont forget to vote :) 💕💕💕

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