A Child

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Once again they're back to their normal routines. Taehyung was stressed. No he was suffocating. One large house..and just him inside. What could be more lonely than him. He could have been happy if his mate would turn his gaze towards him at least once or even caressed his cheeks  once a while..but that would always remain a dream of his.

He would yet again put up his blinding smile in front of their family  just so they know that Jungkook treats him like the king he is. But who knew about his empty heart that was dying each day. He would look at his friends Jimin and yoongi, Jin and Namjoon..how happy they were..if only he had someone who cherished him like they did each other..

But what was more traumatizing for Taehyung was the day he felt dizzy all of a sudden. His throat felt heavy from having to throw up every now and then and he could make out it was some unknown yellowish liquid. He had never felt this weak in his entire life.

So he did what he thought it was.

And wasn't he right?

He was two months pregnant with the ravenette's child.


Taehyung screamed throwing the test kit towards the cold hard floor. He tugged at his hair and leaned towards the wall, his eyes flooding with tears. No he wasnt mad at the baby..what did that life ever do to hurt him?

It was that man he was afraid to open up to. What if he rejects..the thought of having to leave the young life inside of him to suffer made him even more restless. He was shocked...but yet it was his love's and his baby growing inside him. Taehyung loved Jungkook he truly did. But this one thing was something he was afraid of..

"I-Im pregnant.."

He somehow stuttered out. Jungkook froze for a moment before he could process the things.


"T-Two months.." He sniffled while looking down. Taehyung knew he would never accept it. What they had in between was nowhere close to being called love. Then why would he ever think about a baby with him?

"T-Taehyung..o-oh my god..are you serious??" He looked forward in shock. No Taehyung was more than just surprised when he saw his alpha running his hands through his hair, his bunny smile showing off slowly. More tears escaped his eyes. He didnt know what got to him. It might have been hope. That maybe this can fix their broken marriage..


"I-Im so happy im just really happy" Taehyung never knew Jungkook loved children this much. He was pulled into a warm hug that day. Taehyung fell for him yet again. His life was going to be saved. This boring routine was all going to be over..

But then again he finds him questioning himself.

Was it all for him..or the baby?

Taehyung knew better than to be jealous of his own child but he didnt know any more. Hell he couldn't hate his own child growing inside of him, it was his own blood. It was just the ravenette that was confusing him.

His bump got bigger with time and so did the ravenettes concern.

Like the protective father he was, he was always around Taehyung in his final months tending to his childs needs.

"Comeon Tae you should eat more. It's good for the baby!" For their baby. Yeah just the baby..Taehyung can only nod even though there are tears building up in the back of his eyes. He had heard that during these times the pregnant one shall be driven by mood swings and cravings..

Taehyung had only one mood swing and that didnt even swing it was just sadness..

And his craving was just to sit on his bed in the comfort of his fluffy blanket.

Because he didnt want his so called mother in law who came to visit once in a while to shout at him for trying to get down the stairs to fetch himself some rice cakes when no one else cared

"What did i tell you about walking around Taehyung! Do you know how mad Jungkook will be if he sees you or the baby getting hurt??" Taehyung cried himself to sleep that day. He wished if Jungkook was there at the moment, he really hoped for it because he knew she wouldnt have shown the nerve to shout at Taehyung around her own son. But yet even if Jungkook was there the possibly that hed actually react was just zero for Taehyung.

Now suddenly "their" child was turning into just Jungkook's...Taehyung knew all too well where this was going. Once they have the child it will all be like before. The brunette had only scolded himself for trusting his alpha back then.

He never cared for him..all that time he told Taehyung to go sleep early was for their baby..all that time he told Taehyung to eat more was for their baby. All that Time Jungkook threw an arm around his waist protectively while sleeping was just for "his" baby..

Taehyung even remembers the day he gave birth. It was rough and painful but it was worth seeing two scrunched eyes with innocence written all over it as he grabbed it near to his chest. Such a small creature with frail limbs but soft as a cushion. But he only remembers holding the baby for just mere seconds until he was taken away from him into his alphas hands. His alpha looked like a proud father but never a proud mate.

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