I Did Wrong

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"Kook. I am telling this to you for the 100th time..forget it. The past is in the past..leave it"

Namjoon sighed as he leaned against the wall sipping on his cold coffee in the comfort of the latter's meeting room.

"I did Namjoon..i did. I'm ready to do anything I know i've been busy i was just...i was just caught up with these emotions." Jungkook rubbed his forehead with his fingers while heaving a deep sigh.

"Just take him out..talk to him."

"I tried. He doesn't want to. I just literally ruined his life Joon..." Jungkook said staring bluntly at the ceiling with hot liquid filling up his eyes. Namjoon looked at him with eyes full of pity. After all he knew what all his best friend had been through better than anyone else.

"H-He doesn't even smile anymore..i-i was just..scared to open up to him..after all what happened..i just- i just feel guilty" His tears dropped to the floor one by one. He was done for. Namjoon just sighed, keeping away the cup as he went closer and hugged the male tight whispering calm words into his ears.

"Kook. When i and Jinnie are having a fight we simply talk it out. Trust me. I know he still cares for you. Just try once more..it wouldn't hurt" He smiled reassuringly . Jungkook took a deep breath and nodded, his eyes gazing weakly at the empty road outside through the window.

"Taehyung. Haven't your mate ever even once told you how beautiful you are?"

"Thank you..b-bogum" the said omega blushed while taking a sip of his vodka making sure not to get drunk along the way. But he was pretty sure he had surpassed his limit this time, his legs feeling wobbly and his clothes messy. He couldnt care less . After all this was exactly what he needed after a long while. He took another sip and while rubbing circles over his forehead he looked towards the time..

11 fucking pm..

He jumped from his seat and ran his fingers through his hair while bogum watched joyfully with a smirk plastered on his lips, scanning the brunettes body, his ruffle collared white shirt's buttons which were popped open making him get a peek to his toned chest and also his lean curvy frame which was driving him insane.The grey overcoat was the only thing that was getting in the way of the raven head's hungry eyes.

"What have i done! Taejung must be waiting for me.."

Taehyung ignored the familiar call of his name and also the finger trying to touch his face and his arms to get his attention all while pulling his phone back to his pocket.

"I have to leave I'm truly sorry i had so much fun with you-" Taehyung froze for a moment realising that the latter had his hands wound around his wrist. The next second his phone was buzzing with Jungkook's name popping on the screen. His heart thumped in fear as he tried to cut the call and pull his hands away from him..

"You didn't give me an answer yet.."

"Please i have to go.."

"This isn't a fucking game Taehyung. I'm serious" Bogum frowned.

"P-Please leave me i have to g-go" He squirmed his wrist trying to slip away. He had met bogum just a few days ago when he was here alone. All Taehyung wanted was a shoulder to lean on but after meeting bogum and his "friends" it turned into something a bit more which Taehyung finds himself ashamed about . He seemed like a good guy but now Taehyung was sure he was nothing more than a dangerous psycho.

"Fine i'll leave you..but i'll follow.." he smirked. Taehyung shook his head in fear and stepped away. Who could help him the whole crowd that was unknown and probably drunk?

"You dragged yourself into this Taehyung. You gave me false hopes" He could sense a fearful scent emitting from the alpha male as he stepped closer to Taehyung. The dark aura engulfed him whole making his feet shake at the feeling.

"L-Leave me..." Taehyung whispered which almost came out inaudible for the latter.

Taehyung didn't think for another second as he ran for his life pushing away the strangers which appeared his way.

"NO!" Taehyung ran, his eyes pleading for help until he accidentally came across a dark alley making his heart stop.

"Where will you run to! Huh!!" Bogum laughed mockingly while Taehyung was possibly looking for something to attack back with. Maybe a rock. No, what about his phone? 8 missed calls from Jungkook already. Trembling he tried to call him back sliding his fingers through the screen. But his mind was in a conflict of calling his own husband for help but at the same time feeling guilty for being here at this club in the first place to find relief.

"Taehyung..baby..what are you running from. I'm here for you..i'll give you everything that good for nothing mate of yours could never give you.." Taehyung froze at the words. Good for nothing mate..?

"I-I never said he was good for nothing..Neither did i ask for your company bogum..back off..." Bogum smirked.

"Oh. So who was the one sitting still like he was enjoying when i gave him a light hand message. Or a kiss on his neck or even better had a dance with me. And the best. Those soft lips of yours..."

Bogum said almost seductively making Taehyung irked out and step back.

"I-I was-- i-it was a mistake p-please just let me g-go"

"You have a child don't you? How sad...don't you feel pathetic that you're cheating right now Taehyung? Even though you're worth it-"

"Stop it!" Taehyung screamed with either of his hands shutting his ears tight. The dark shadow in front of him started fading away from him, making his heartbeat slow down. He saw a new shadow appearing from behind him and soon enough he felt a familiar presence. The duo went silent until a hand snaked around Taehyung's shoulder. The brunette turned around slowly and whimpered in fear seeing that same black framed spectacles covered by the glare of the dim light..his lips were quivering. The hand soon reached up for his cheek and gently caressed it making the brunette a sobbing mess while gluing himself to the man.

"J-Jungkook...H-He was-"

"He's gone.."

The brunette calmed down in his embrace, the ravenette's fingers rubbing circles over his back. He had heard it all. His own eyes watered up in fresh tears..look where he had landed his Taehyung in. He was almost at the verge of cheating on him, on his life with a 2 year old boy and a mate...

(A/N): the reason why i used 8 missed calls.

Today after i reached home from school after a test i ate my lunch and went to sleep at 2pm. I thought id wake up at 4 but i woke up at six by the sound of my doorbell. I went downstairs quickly and saw my sister standing at the doorway all pissed and stuff . Today was the best day of my life. I almost cried ;-;

Oh and then i checked my phone. 8 missed calls from my big sis. I'm such a bad sister. Damn i feel sorry. *secretly happy over the fact that i made her stand outside too long* ahem -cough cough-

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