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He gazed towards the sobbing soul who was looking anywhere but his face. They were at the drive near the shore, their hands resting on the railing creating a barrier between them and the water below. Taehyung gazed at the waves and forward his tears blinding the beautiful night view of the city lights in front of them..

(A/N): Idek if there's a place like that let's just pretend that it's there '~' )


"With Jihoon. Don't worry.." Jungkook spoke with his still unwavering voice which was even more fearing the brunette beside him expecting the unexpected.

"I-I..J-Jungkook i didnt mean t-to-"

"We all make mistakes Tae.." His hand gently wound around the younger's trembling ones. Taehyung shifted away once again but Jungkook seemed to not let go, this time tightening his grip even more, his eyes filling with hot liquid.  Whimpering, the younger stood still as the hands wrapped over his chest hugging him from behind.

"Why did you do that..what if something happened to you..what if he harmed you.."

"Would you care..?" Those words sent a deep ache to Jungkook's heart . A lot of emotions rushed to his mind flooding it making him stutter. Taehyung's own eyes which were flowing with tears failed to notice droplets falling on his shoulder but his skin could surely feel it. Jungkook's hot breath fanned over his neck as the grip on his body tightened sending mild shivers down his spine.

"Tae..y-you..of course you mean a lot to me. Something words can't describe. I would care Taehyung. If anyone dares to harm you i might as well snap right there..i-"

"T-Then why would you treat me like..like i dont exist? Like as if im just a tool. Im scared Jungkook. I-Im scared whenever you try to get close to me..i feel like youll ignore me again. By the end...i didnt even care..whatever would happen to me..i mean its not like anything will change if i give myself up for another m-man. But I w-went t-too far. I'm m-married a-and have a c-child..." His sobs profusely left his lips, the grip on his frail body tightening even more making him squirm.

"Tell me more..everything you felt.." Jungkook breathed in.

"I-Im not happy living like this."

Jungkook nodded uncertainly, keeping his gaze fixed on the younger

"I-Im not happy..i n-never felt happy when i was w-with you..b-but i still l-love you..i d-dont know why..i-i. I felt like i was just ignored. I didnt want to get hurt again..I-I didnt intend to c-cheat. I only wanted to forget..." He cried into his palms covering his face in shame.

"I tried i really did-" Jungkook spoke. Taehyung stopped, taking a deep breath to see a chocked sob escaping his alphas lips..he was anxious..

"I was scared too Tae.." Jungkook spoke, voice cracking at every word..

"I've once lost the one i loved...she was a college friend..young and lively.. but she-  s-she left me alone...Hana"

His raven hair brushed past the younger's neck making him tilt his head and stare at the waters with glassy eyes. A sudden gasp made its way to his lips. So the picture he found in his his drawer was of the same girl's?

"The p-picture..in your files d-drawer"

"You saw it..?" Taehyung nodded, eyes filling up with guilt for misunderstanding his mate. He thought he was an old love. Or maybe his secret. But he never knew she was no longer alive.

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