Mad Wo-Men

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Axel's POV

As I stood there like an idiot outside of the masquerade ball I scolded myself for sounding like a selfish bastard when Harley was leaving because of an emergency. I should've went with her instead of called after her hoping she would wait for a stranger that she didn't even like.

I walked back inside and slumped in the uncomfortable white chairs, huffing quietly. Duncan looked up from his phone and to my aggravated face, "what's got your panties in a twist? Sexual frustration?" He asked with a smirk.

"None of your damn business," I snapped.

He smirked, "thought so." Looking back to his phone, I was curious to who he was texting so feverishly.

"Who're you texting?" I questioned when my curiosity got the best of me.

"Jordan," he responded plainly.

There was a model named Joran Jacobs who I'm assuming was the girl, after all, Duncan was a first class player.

I pulled out my own phone, texting our driver, Fenway, to pull around the car so we could head back to the hotel and pack for our flight to London tomorrow.

We had movies to make and my mom only really needed us here for the publicity of the event.

Maybe you should ask around about Harley and say goodbye before you leave, my inner voice chided me.

I shook my head internally, dismissing the thought. A millionaire like me doesn't go for plain girls like her.

"Come on Dun, Fenway's here." I told him suddenly, his green eyes snapping up to meet mine.

He nodded once before dropping his phone into his pocket and standing up from the table, his chair sliding across the floor noisily.

I pulled out my black aviators and slid them on, replacing the expensive black mask I was wearing to hide my identity.

Getting into the car, I muttered a greeting to Fenway before slouching in my seat and waiting for Duncan to close the door.

"Why are you so eager to get home?" He asked, "you're usually the partier."

I shrugged, "just want to leave for London, I guess."

He nodded, "you excited for the new movie?"

My head perked up, I was in the lead male role of a new movie called "That Summer" and it was a romance movie. I hated doing romance, but it was what the director wanted and it was projected to make millions, so I was in.

I loved my job. Yeah, I rarely got privacy or time to myself but I was earning money off what I loved doing, acting, so I was fine with it, you get used to everything eventually.

"Yeah, man, I still don't know who my co-star's gonna be," I wanted to know so badly, I hoped she was as pretty as everyone said she was, "it's killing me."

He nodded, "what if you get a bitchy one like Tamara?"

I shuddered at the thought. Making a movie a couple years ago, I had the bitchiest prima-donna ever, Tamara, and it was plain awful to be on set with her. She once threatened to sue me because I accidentally spilled coffee down her "new Prada top."

It was ridiculous.

Thinking about Tamara led me back to a certain mystery girl's beauty and I cursed myself when I couldn't get her image out of my head.

"What?" Duncan said.

"Nothing," I muttered, hoping he would drop it.

He didn't, he just smirked, "fuck doesn't sound like nothing to me."

I rolled my eyes, "I just remembered something is all," it was a white lie. It was true, I did remember something, I just wasn't going to tell him that what I remembered was Harley's gorgeous face, he'd call me a pussy and tell me I'm going soft.

He squinted his eyes almost as if he was sizing me up, "mmhmm."

"You don't believe me?" I asked me incredulously.

He shrugged and a slight smirk played on his lips, "I think you're thinking about the girl you met."

I rolled my eyes, my years of acting and classes paying off, "I really don't even like her at all."

He snorted, "keep telling yourself that."

Ignoring him, I looked outside the tinted black window at the crowd that's gathered at the base of the hotel I was staying at. They had t-shirts with my face and painted signs with my name on it.

I sighed, not matter how much I loved my fans there were just too many of them to be able to sign every poster and every DVD.

I hurried out of the car, Duncan following behind me. Pushing past the hordes of people, pulling my clothing away from the fans that were grabbing me. I made my way inside the building into the cool lobby, the fans held out by security.

"Well that was fun," Duncan told me as he took the final steps inside the building.


"Yes!" Duncan cheered as we drove up the familiar driveway of our London house.

It was the morning after we left the masquerade and we had just endured a painful long flight to London, and we were finally at my house instead of my mom's basement.

It was a step up.

I quickly opened the wood door, pushing the heavy material back to reveal the inside of my posh, luxurious mansion.

I had bought it a year ago when I first made one of the most liked romantic comedies of 2013, and it just so happened that I got paid millions for it.

I lived close to the London Eye, and also to my agents apartment. It was a good thing because whenever she needed me she was close, but a bad thing because she was so close that she could drive over unexpectedly.

It's happened a rough five or six times already, and it's only been a year.

"He's a mad man, help us save us! He's a mad man, help us save us!" I smiled at the choice of ringtone for my agent, Julianne. The tune was a part from Spy Kids and it never got old, no matter how often she called me.

"Hello Julianne," I greeted sweetly.

"Drop the act, Rose, I know you hate me." Her reply was blunt, but true nonetheless. She always got on my nerves, and being ten years older than me, she thought she knew everything.

Sometimes I wished my mother would let me fire her, even though she was a pretty good agent.

"The director's narrowed it down to two girls, I thought I should let you know."

I grinned, "are they hot?"

I could practically feel her roll her eyes at me, "can you be serious for once?"

I didn't respond for a moment, "maybe."

"You're acting like a child. Be at the set on Friday at five o'clock in the morning, sharp!"

"No fucking way Jules! That's so early," I protested.

"Axel Rose, if you are not there I will personally c-"

I hung up the phone before she could start the "I'm-better-than-you" rant I've heard so many times. It wasn't my fault I couldn't wake up any time past noon, I tried, but it just didn't happen and I've told Julianne that so many times.

You know that expression "in one ear and out the other"? Well that basically described my agent. Add annoyingly bitchy, and you've got a perfect description!

"I'm going to bed," I muttered to Duncan, who was sitting at my counter eating goldfish.

"M'kay," he told me, still on his phone texting.

"Still texting Jordan?" I teased as I was walking out of the kitchen.

I heard him say something about her and London, but I ignored him, too tired to actually have my brain function.

"Two more days 'till the movie!" He yelled up as I was at my door.

"More like two more days of freedom," I muttered.

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