-Where Is My Mind?

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JunJun: Hi guys :) I hope that if you like this chapter you will remember to vote and maybe even comment. Also remember you can always add this to your reading list or fan me to get info about when I will next update.

Remember to clicky the music video :) Excuse me but this one is pretty weird and it goes well and also goes really badly with this chapter.....HOWEVER I really wanted to put it there sooo...voila!

Ok, enough of me. In this chapter things become to get a little clearer. You find out what the Queen really wants and you also get to take a peak into Kanixi's inner-self. Oh I do enjoy fleshing-out characters.

Enjoy :) (Click the music video and dance till they say stop and then start reading)

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It's so cold.

Darcey shivered and opened her eyes.

Where am I?

With tired thoughts and weak confusion she pressed her long fingers against what seemed to be...a glass lid?

White light blinded her sight. And as she looked around, she smirked slightly.

So this is what Lyra meant about when she forgot to wear glasses or contacts.

What was it again? With them you can see...

Her vision began to clear as a tall figure blocked the light. As her eyes picked up his features the light spilled into his hair, setting alight all the...different colours and tones. '...like HD.' All the shades glimmered underneath this natural spotlight, burgandy, caramel and amber. He was shining. Caleb smirked darkly and pressed his hands to the lid, mirroring hers. His smile was not kind. He was regarding her with hunger, his fingertips stroked the glass above her face, drifting across her cheek. With a strange fascination he then pressed his face against the glass, his perfect smile widening. His teeth were creamy white. They were lined up like soldiers, disiplined, waiting for a command. 

Like a pedophile in a school without teachers.

In any other situation Darcey may have laughed at the return of her dark humour but, instead, she fidgeted as much as she could in the little space in which she was held. His gaze trapping her. His amber eyes grew wider and wider, his grin lingered across his cheeks. She was liquid under his look. It was as if she had made him the happiest boy in the world - his own doll wrapped in her ridgid glass cage, only his to play with. But soon this childish glee was extinguished. The tawney-eyed look was replaced with something darker, the chestnut flicks in his irises seemed to grow, to take over. It was like a cloud had passed over the sun.

I feel so tired.

Darcey ceased fidgeting and instead began to close her eyes. Her lack in comfort was growing. She was torn by his presence, not between two ideas, just torn, pulled, ripped. She scared him. If only he had seemed harmless, put on a mask to present himself as safe, she surely would have run into his arms, especially if he had been more dismissive, she would have wanted him more, needy as she was. But, instead, he regarded her as his god. She could do no wrong. In their journey here, he had just sat stroking her hair, his only complaint when she moved, he'd grappled her arms and lead her to his lap again with a cruel grip. And yet, when he could touch her again, once she was his submissive doll again, he had the gentleness of a father.

Why am I so tired?

With a delicate clink she could hear the ageless boy take off the lid. Then soft big hands took her from the darkness of sleep as he gently lifted her up towards the bright light, crowning her in its cold embrace. The back of her eyelids glowed and she gently dared herself to open her eyes. Peeling the open, they ached, rejecting this harsh glare that pierced her pupils that retreated smaller and smaller until they realised they could no longer. The blazing white was overwhelming. It reached her squinting eyes, gently burning into them with an odd affection. The light burst into her eyes like fireworks. And when she finally widened them, a kaleidoscope of colour whirled in her eyes.

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