-Find The Way

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The crackled leaves swept through the air like falling petals as they dropped one by one on the road that had pushed its way through the wood. As they swayed with the breeze, one or two were caught from their dance as gently as an intake of breath when a bulky obstacle blocked their path. It was white with chipped paint and a dent on one of the sides as if it had recently glanced off of a tall metal pole. The dark logo that had spread over that part of the bus was now slightly morphed. However, if one was to look from the edge of the woods towards the area it was so unskillfully parked in, as Kanixin, his fellow hunters and some more of the Queen's scouts were, one wouldn't be as aware of those minor details. They would be more taken in by the troop of humans that had nestled themselves to sit in small groups on fallen trees or just under the slight drop of the wood floor to the grassy edge of the road.

Still, even if they were the more interesting of the things in the hunters' line of vision, they were much more than that to the observers. The way 'The Ink People', as the Queen called them, moved and spoke was so different from the way Kanixin and his companions did. And with a quick glance to the other hunters and scouts he knew that most of the them, aside from a few of the higher-ups, were as entranced as he was with the enemy. One of the hunters was so much so that he was hanging precariously from his spot in a tree. Kanixin's Captain, or Rain Master, as the hunters' captains were called, had to move from her position and shake the male to get him into gear. This also gave Kanixin time to do the same. After all, they were the Rainkin, the result didn't depend on one of them, it depended on all of them to get the disaster they had been asked to create. They were quiet, seemingly harmless but in the right conditions they were more impressive than any Thunderkin or Lightningkin. They were slow but unstoppable. Patient. They were the reason the thunder and lightning came about.

While awaiting the next orders, he took the time to look over the Ink People. Once the Queen had described the humans as this, the word had immediately caught on. Kanixin could never forget the day of that speech, the day he had finally decided to give the clan all he had and forget his blemished past and allow his scars to not only be accepted but adored. Until that point he had never really gone along with the Queen's schemes. He had seen her as a weak child. He hadn't needed to follow her, he hadn't realised the humans could be so terrible, so horrifying and destructive. He had no idea they would break their word so easily. Although he had been told so many times why they were to be hated, he had thought it was just an old man's blood feud, nothing to do with the new fledglings. He was wrong. And he hated that. 'The Ink People' were one of the more polite versions of the humans' many names that had been included in that speech. It was also very truthful as well.

'Like the ink they promised was true they are. "Written in ink" they said, "no way could we break such a promise".


Like the ink that so easily washes clean of the parchment they are! 

Liars! Thieves! Kill them all I say, dammed be the Scripts of Tryren!'

The Queen had never been seen so vulnerable, so in need of support. After all, she was never the real queen now was she? Her black hair was said to be nothing next to the mix of platinum blond and white ash that belonged to the real queen. 'The Black Lie' was a simple cloud next the expanse of the sky that was the real queen; the great 'Untarnished Mother". A rogue like Kanixin would never be allowed to be within her presence, nor her bone-white city for that matter, but that didn't mean he didn't feel it. As a child he had found one of her hidden shrines. It was a bright white arch, as blinding as the sun and it held between it one of the gifts from The Ink People, 'stained glass', so beautiful that the people called it the 'Shards of The Frozen Lake' after the myth of The Dream Hunters who were said to collect your dreams and cast them into their frozen lake of glass and ice. The lake was said to flash with the images of so many dreams that the sight would blind any observers, the reason that The Dream Hunters would always be smiling, forever blinded and trapped in the paradise they could never have, for once you stole a dream or had one taken you no longer could dream again. It was the price of greed. And it was the image of the queen herself that was imprinted on the glass. Kanixi never saw it again. The fake queen had it destroyed. They said she had all the shards from the shrines it in her room, that they were so beautiful that she fell in love with the Queen, obsessed with the idea that it was an unrequited love.

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