-Hollow Doll

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JunJun: Okay, third chapter I have started to write in a day. Let's hope that I can finish it.

Thank you so much you guys for all the comments, fans and votes, also the adding to library, it makes me so happy!

Now I have realised that there are a few neglected characters, so I'm hoping to transform them into some sort of dark horse. Please comment if you like a character, it would make me very happy. I'd like to know which are the liked ones. I'm sorry I don't give many descriptions of them :S

Music ------------->

I hope you love it as much as my "Dancing Sparks" chapter.

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The streets of Kanafete were empty, the rain had whipped up the mud streets into different patterns and the buildings were washed clean of what little paint or plaster had once coated them. Now, the skies kept drifting. However, the future weather looked no better than the previous so the inhabitants closed their shutters tight. And left their once unrivaled market place, abandoned, as more rain poured from between the gaps in those never-changing gray skies.

Keeping his head down, Finn's pace slowed while the mud gently tugged at his boots, then washed like waves into the canal. The rain had begun to flood through his sandy blond hair, dripping fat droplets onto his light face every step he took. He didn't know the town like Jere or know the feel of each street like Jesse did. He had neither the experience or the skill in the circumstances he was in. However, he did have one thing. His will. His strong will to find the girl. Like a sort of, obsession.

The infatuation had started during his first day. He had arrived half way through the second term of his class' first year. Naturally during these suspicious circumstances, Darcey, who had a wish to meet a "mysterious transfer student", was hooked. She would talk to him brightly, winning him over just as well as any other classmate. But after she found out that her "mysterious transfer student" was just a friendly ordinary guy, she had backed off. And Finn was more than surprised when his most cheerful friend became cold and sarcastic towards him. When he had asked the others they had said it was quite normal, like she had two personalities. Like any other two-faced girl. And so, Finn backed off too...until he found out the nature of Darcey's parents.


Like his.

And so, sensing a comrade, Finn had reached out. He tried to see if she was like him. If she just looked alive on the outside but rotting inside.

But then he found that she was not against the divorce, she was instead, happy for it. Then jealousy moved to an admiration. He wanted so much to be like her, to be...cured. Cured of his secret self, of his violent, hidden self. And so he was drawn to her by such a basic poor reason.

But a reason all the same.

And so he continued searching for her. Never stopping. Never waiting. His athletic abilities helping him along. Turning his head left and right. Searching in alleyways. Crying out to the sky in frustration. Finally, just as he was ready to give up, he heard voices on the empty streets. He had propped himself on the dock near Jere's house and now as he turned, he was glad that he had rested there.

Optimism rose through him as fast as his veins carried blood. He felt refreshed. Alive again. Pushing himself up, he made a run for the voices, the pull on his boots increasing. Finally as his legs willed him to stop he found himself amongst a small crowd of people. Well, some people, others...fairies?

At least more than half of the group were bright-clothed creatures of some sort. Most had wings, others, claws. This little search had become more dangerous and, as if smelling his building fear, a girl around his age turned to face him. Staring openly, she tilted her head as she looked him over, her wings like a large fly's, delicate and somehow beautiful. Then, when the girl had finished, her shimmering bright blue eyes focused back on Finn's own dark ones. "What are you doing here?" she asked bluntly, her tongue cutting sharp like a knife as her eyes, surrounded by swirling glowing silver paint, seemed to rip into his soul.

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