~Part 1~ Detention

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[year 5, quarter 1;]

"[y/n]! Wake up, Sleeping Beauty!" A sharp voice calls to me, and I can hear a faint tapping on my desk. My eyes flutter open, and I lift my head off my desk. "Sorry Professor McGonagall, I didn't get enough sleep last night." She smiles softly at me "It's alright, but I have to give you detention. Today until 6:30." She pats my shoulder as she turns around and begins walking to the front of the room. I nod softly, as Draco snickers somewhere behind me. "Probably because she was off being some teacher's pet." He mumbles to his goons. "Mr. Malfoy, you get to serve detention along with Ms. [l/n], for being a nuisance in my class." McGonagall snaps at him, standing in front of the class. Everyone snickers. Hermione, my best friend, rubs my shoulder softly. "I'm sorry you're in the same house as that git." She smiles, causing me to smile. McGonagall gives us all book work and before I know it, class is over. Me and Hermione shuffle to the dungeons towards Snape's class. I hear Draco and his goons walk by, and I feel a smack on my ass. "If they made these skirts any shorter, I might have to take this one back to my room." Draco walks in front of me and turns around to face me. I hand my belongings to Hermione and let her get off to class before I grab Draco by his tie and shove him against the wall. "Don't you ever do that to me again or you're not gonna be able to walk. And not in a good way." I growl at him before pulling him off the wall and onto the floor by his tie. I flip my [h/c] hair behind my shoulder and walk into class.

[Draco's POV]

I watch as [y/n] walks to class, her [h/c] locks flowing behind her. 'God, is she pretty.' I think to myself before getting up and dusting my robes off, opening the door to the potions room. "You're late, Mr. Malfoy." Snape chuckles. "It won't happen again, sir." I sigh before sitting at my normal seat. "Don't get comfortable everyone because you're getting new partners." He struts to the front of the class as everyone groans. He starts calling out partners and everyone shuffles to find seats. I stay seated at the back of the room when he calls my name. "Malfoy and [l/n]." He says, and we look at each other briefly.

[reader's POV]

"Malfoy and [l/n]." Professor Snape calls. I turn to look at Draco, who has his signature smirk plastered upon his face. I sigh and stand up, heading over to his bench. "Move, Goyle." He growls, pushing him off the chair next to him. I smile weakly and help Goyle up before sitting down. I prop one leg up on the other and lay my hands across my lap, waiting for everyone to find their seats. Suddenly, my chair is being moved closer to Draco. I look over at him and see him pulling me closer to him with his muscular forearms...I shake the thought out of my head and slap his arm. "Stop, Malfoy." I scold.

[Draco's POV]

I roll my sleeves up, and drag [y/n]'s chair closer to mine. She taps on my arm. "Stop, Malfoy." She says lowly. "We're partners we have to be close." I whisper to her. She rolls her eyes and Snape begins the lesson, explaining what we are to be working on this year. I let my hand slowly fall from my desk and into her lap, and I start bringing it up her skirt. She grabs my hand and moves it, placing it on the desk. She reaches over towards my crotch and I smirk, but instead of squeezing me softly she punches me.

[reader's POV]

I pull Draco's hand out from underneath my skirt and place it back on the desk before punching him where the sun doesn't shine. He reaches down and holds himself, biting his lip. "Mr. Malfoy, what potion are we preparing to brew this week?" Professor Snape calls to him and he looks at me puzzled. "Draught of Peace, Sir." I quickly answer for him. Professor Snape glares at Draco, who still has his hands over his no-no square. "Very good Ms. [l/y], ten points to Slytherin." He turns back to the board and begins to list off the ingredients needed. "Thanks." Draco says sarcastically. "I just saved you from a week's worth of detention, thank you very much." I growl before writing down the ingredients on a slip of parchment and heading off to gather them. Some time passes by and class ends. I stop by room, a room off of the Astronomy tower, the size of a small apartment with two stories all because Dumbledore says that he sees potential in my Hogwarts studies and he really wants me to do good. I told him I didn't need a separate room but he insisted, and told Professor Snape that he needs to make sure I'm not bothered about it. I drop my books off on the bookshelf by my staircase before taking off my robes, and rolling up the sleeves on my sweater and my dress shirt. I loosen my tie and undo the top two buttons on my shirt, exposing my chest slightly. I sigh before leaving my room and heading to McGonagall's room just before 4:00. I walk in and Draco turns towards me, McGonagall at her desk. She looks up from the papers she's grading and studies my face. "Now that's [y/n]'s here, I can take you to the classroom you'll be emptying out. Hand me your wands." I jog up to her desk and hand her my wand, Draco following after me as she puts them in her top drawer. She stands and leads us down the corridor, opening the door to Professor Quirrel's old room. "See you doves at 6:30." She calls before shutting and locking the door behind us. I sigh and head to the front of the room, and lean down to pick up a few boxes. "Mmmmm...Stay just like that, Princess." Draco cooes at me, leaning on the student desk just behind me. "Draco, would you shut up and help me clean?" I groaned, jumping up on the teacher's desk and sitting on it, sifting through the box to my right. Draco comes over towards me, moving my legs apart, and standing in between them. "Come on, Princess, it's just us in here. Can't we have a lil fun?" He makes a pouty fave at me before tracing his lips over my neck. My breath hitches and I push him away a little. "Draco-" I start to say but I'm cut off by his husky, stern voice. "[y/n], I know you like me. I like you too. Why can't we just try this year?" He whines softly. "Draco, I dunno..you're known as a playboy around here...maybe we can work up to something?" You suggest, and he nods softly. "Yeah. Let's work up to something." He smiles. We stare at each other for a few seconds, before he gets in between my legs again and he grabs my waist roughly, bringing his lips close to mine. I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him into me, kissing him. He slides his hands under my skirt and grabs my thighs, making me bite his lip. We pull away and I look down at his hands before laughing and looking back into his eyes. "Friends with Benefits?" Draco asks. "Friends with Benefits." I reply.

{Holy hell I hope you guys had as much fun reading this just as much as I did writing it!}

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