~ Part 5 ~ Forbidden Date

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[sorry i haven't updated in forever!!! graduating high school has taken its toll on me so i was busy losing all my fake ass friends and sadly my boyfriend lol i'm not sad he'll be back but y'all deserve a long ass update!!!]]
[sidenote: you're a 6th year, (yes I did my research for classes) so you're around 17.]

Draco peeked his head around the corner of the door, looking outside. "Looks like we missed the train..." he says, turning back to [y/n]. [y/n] had already started walking back towards the castle. "W-Wait!" He huffed, jogging after her. [y/n] walked through the halls, her mate following behind her. "You did that on purpose, didn't you." Draco scoffed. [y/n] kept walking, swinging her hips as she climbed the stairs to her room. Draco quickly followed after her. Once [y/n] reached her door she said the password and flung the door open. She darted up to her room and changed into her pjs. Draco saw this and chuckled. He closed the door behind him and followed her, changing into a pair of sweatpants, and a black tank top. He strolled down to the living room area and sat on the couch. Soon after, [y/n] followed, wearing short shorts and a crop top. She sat on the couch with her lover. "Want to watch a movie?" she smiled at him. "Of course." [y/n] snuggled into Draco. She reached for the remote and turned the tv on, then changing the channel to Netflix. Draco watched, amused, as she looked through the horror movies, [y/n]'s favorite genre of movie. She picked out [f/m], her favorite movie and started it. Draco stood, walking over to the small kitchen behind the sofa. He grabbed some popcorn and set it on the counter. "Uh...[y/n], how do I...?" She chuckled and got up, making the popcorn in the microwave and putting it in a bowl. She took it back to the couch as Draco went up to the bedroom to steal a blanket for them to share. [y/n] cuddled into Draco's side when he returned to his spot, softly placing the blanket over their legs.

[y/n] had fallen asleep on Draco. And when the movie finished, he softly shook her to wake her up. "Good morning, gorgeous." he cooed, smiling. [y/n] rubbed her glossy [e/c] eyes and pushed her [h/c] hair out of her face. She smiled at the blonde on the couch beneath her. He placed a hand gently at the bottom of her neck, as he stared at her lips. "Go get yourself dolled up, we're going out." he spoke slowly before licking his lips. She giggled happily, then slid off the couch and headed to her room to get dressed. Draco quickly summoned his all-black suit with the help of his wand and changed downstairs. [y/n] sifted through the dresses in her closet before pulling out a little black dress. It was skin-tight, with a slightly plunging neckline and long sleeves. The dress went 3/4 of the way down her thighs, and had a slit on the left thigh. She pulled out her best bra and panties set and pulled them on before slipping the dress on. [y/n] stared down at her shoe collection before pulling out a cute pair of [f/c] heels, that worked perfectly with her dress. She slipped them on and styled her hair the way she liked it before slowly descending the stairs. Draco stood beside her couch, adjusting his green tie. He looked up at his beloved, and his jaw dropped. He held out his arm to her. "Won't we get in trouble? It's past curfew." [y/n] whined. "I payed off Snape, he's keeping us under the radar." Draco smirked as [y/n] took his arm. "He even set us up a carriage for our transportation." Draco leaned in and kissed her temple, before pulling his wand out from his pocket and apparating them to the front doors of the castle. Snape stood in the shadows, waiting for them. Snape emerged once he saw them. "Good evening Miss [y/n] and Mister Malfoy." He smiled softly, and gently took [y/n]'s hand in his. He brought it to his lips and kissed it softly. He let go of her hand and patted Draco on his shoulder. "Be back before midnight, that's when Minerva locks all the doors." he warned, before opening the door of the carriage for [y/n] to step in. Draco held her hand and she got in and followed suit, leaning out of the window to look at his godfather. "Have a wonderful night you two." he wished before snaking his way back into the castle. Draco rapped his knuckles on the roof of the carriage and the driver snapped the reins.

The ride into Hogsmeade wasn't too long but it gave you time to pester Draco with questions. "What do you have planned?" [y/n] asked, her hand on his knee. "Well, we're going to have dinner, do a little dancing, drink a little, and then we can sit under the moonlight for a bit." He smiled, his nightly plan unfolding in front of his eyes. [y/n] held onto his arm as she smiled. "This is a nice surprise, even if it hasn't happened yet." She leaned over and kissed his cheek. Draco grabbed the side of her face with one hand, his grip quite strong. He looked her in the eye before his lips crashed into hers. His other arm snaked around her waist, pulling her closer. Their lips moved in sync, like they fit together perfectly. When he pulled away, he licked his lips lustfully. [y/n] chuckled. "Not so fast big boy." She bit her lip softly. They rounded a corner roughly and the pair fell to one side of the carriage, [y/n] falling on top of Draco. He smirked at her and tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear as the carriage stabilized. She pulled herself from his lap, blushing softly. He chuckled, seeing her blush. Soon, they arrived at Hogsmeade. The driver stopped the carriage and hopped down. He opened the door for the pair and let them out at The Rowdy Raven {not an actual place in Hogsmeade, i made that place up, don't get your panties in a bunch—} before pulling away to find a place to sit and wait. Draco led [y/n] into the place and over to a special table he had paid the owner to set up for them. There was a beautiful black lace tablecloth over the dark wooden tabletop, with a candle in the center. there were two places set at the table, with beautiful green and black china and silverware. The goblets on the table were breathtaking {picture above, but the stones are emeralds}. Draco pulled one of the chairs out for [y/n], and pushed it in once she sat down. He made his way to his side and sat down, then flagged the waiter down. The waiter came over and poured butterbeer into the goblets, before excusing himself to inform the chef that the important party was here. Draco smiled at you from across the table, his electric silver eyes watching your every move from just above the rim of the goblet in his hand. [y/n] made sure to lean in as she drank, showing him a glance of her chest. A small noise came from the platinum blonde across the table before he pulled the goblet away from his face, hiding his lips under the green cloth napkin. [y/n] smirked to herself as she set her goblet down.

A few moments passed, and the waiter brought their food out. He set their plates in front of them, [y/n]'s eyes going wide. Draco requested that they made [fav. dish]. She looked up at him and blew him a kiss before digging in. Draco smiled softly as he ate. They had soft conversations about family and friends, learning new and interesting things about each other. "So, you Crabbe and Goyle got lost on a family vacation?" [y/n] giggled. "Yes! we got stuck in a cave for two hours because they got us trapped in there. I had to figure out a way to get us free." Draco laughed, drinking more butterbeer from his goblet. He stood quickly, and walked over to [y/n]'s side of the table. He helped her up and nodded over to the bartender, who put on a slow dancing song. He placed one hand at the small of your back and his other hand held onto [y/n]'s. [y/n] softly placed her hand at the back of his neck as they danced slowly. Draco spun her out of his grasp, then spun her back into his embrace even quicker which earned an all-natural laugh from [y/n]. He danced elegantly, and dipped her softly. When he pulled her up he kissed her lips for a moment and pulled away as the song ended. She smiled. "That was beautiful my love." she whispered. "It's not over." he cooed, nodding to the bartender as he softly tugged her towards the back door. He pushed the door open and walked her up to a large cliff. On the cliff, sat a bench under a beautiful willow tree. Draco sat on the bench under the moonlight and patted the wood next to him. [y/n] sat next to him and set her head on his shoulder. She let out a dreamy sigh as she laced his fingers with hers. "The moon is beautiful tonight." She breathed. "But not as beautiful as you." Draco replied, turning to look at her. She laughed and sat up a little, kissing his cheek. Draco leaned over and kissed her lips roughly, holding the back of her head as they made out. He pulled [y/n] up onto his lap, feeling her dress slip up her legs. He buried his face into her exposed chest, suckling and biting on the soft skin. She groaned softly. "Draco, not here." she smiled, tilting her head back a little. He growled at her. "I'll do whatever I want, wherever I want~" his voice grew dark and husky as he grinded against her. She let out a soft moan and he looked up at her. "And by the sound of it, you don't mind it."

[I know you guys have been waiting for an update. The next one will quench your thirst, i promise. It'll be coming soon, gimme a lil bit. Don't forget to show ya love 💙 i lovelovelove reading y'alls comments!!!]


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