Double Trouble (1) (Same Name)

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(Jesse's POV)

It's been two months since me and Petra left for our adventure, to be honest, this is the best decision of my life! While I was zoned out Petra asked me something.

"Hey, Jesse?" Asked Petra. "Yeah?" I replied. "Why did you come?" Said Petra with a slight blush on her face.

I was stunned. "I came because you are my best friend Petra! And I don't want anything separating us..." I said.

"Thanks, Jesse," Petra said back but with a bigger blush on her face.

We walked along the woods for another hour until it got dark so the monsters were starting to come out. We found an open field overflowing with monsters until we found a little house on the top of the hill.

"Hey, Jesse there is a house up there!" Petra said.

"Perfect! Hopefully, the owner has more rooms and is nice enough to let us stay for the night!" I Said.

Me and Petra climbed up the small hill and knocked on the front door of the house. We waited a little bit until we heard the door up to reveal a young lady (Around the same age as me.) She had long black hair, A yellow clip, Blue overalls, Emerald eyes like me, and she basically looked like me!

"Hello?" She said. "Hello! I'm Jesse and this is Petra." I said. "Well, my name is also Jesse but you can call me Jessica!" She replied. "How may I help you two?" She asked.

"Well, we were wondering if you had an extra room for us to stay in for the night?" Petra asked. "Of course I do! Follow me!" Jessica replied.

"Good!" Petra let out a relieved sigh. "I am really tired! I can hardly wait to sit!" She exclaimed. I nod in agreement.

Jessica led us to an empty room because we told her we already have our own beds in our inventories. Petra placed down her bed and jumped on it.

"Oh, my notch! Finally, I can lie down for a while!" Petra exclaimed. "Yeah me too!" I said back to her. "Not to interrupt you two..." Jessica said as she poked her head into the room.

"But I have extra food like bread, Steak, Chicken, Potatoes and other things if you like to eat," Jessica said. "Okay, thanks!" said Petra. We both got out of our armor and went to the table.

Jessica was reading a book and she was lying on the couch. Hey guys!" She said as she saw us walk into the kitchen. "Hey." We said in return. "I wanna know more about you guys... I mean I just let two random strangers in my house!" Jessica told us. "Well," I began, we are pretty famous." "Really? that's cool!" Jessica exclaimed. "Yeah, Jesse defeated the witherstorm!" Petra exclaimed.

"Wait... so I let inside the two members of the order of the stone?!" Jessica exclaimed. "Yeah, that's us!" I said back. "Oh wow!" She exclaimed. Jessica sigh as she looked over at a picture. Petra followed her gaze to see where she was looking at.

(Petra's POV)

I looked to see where Jessica was staring at it looked like an old picture of her, a boy, and a pig. The boy in the picture looked like Jesse, Brown hair, Suspenders, He looked like Jessica. The biggest thing I saw that were the same were the eyes, big emerald green eyes. Next to the picture frame of the two kids and the pig was a picture that was ripped in the middle. It wasn't framed it was just there.

Petra remembered that in the treehouse before the witherstorm mess, Jesse had the same picture ripped in the middle it looked like a picture of a baby girl on Jessica's picture and a baby boy for Jesse's picture she thought and remembered. Jessica had left the room to get another book from her room.

"Jesse?" I said. "Yeah, Petra?" He replied.

"Come here! Do you have your baby picture?" I asked.

"Yeah... I put it in my pocket before the witherstorm mess and I still have it. Why?" He asked.

I did not reply. I stood up, took the picture from his hands and went over to get the other half. I put the two pictures together and both babies had their name under them and the top it said "Twins".

"Jesse... Do you have a twin sister?"

(Writer's Note)

Hello everyone! This is my introduction to "Double Trouble" and yeah sorry if I left it as a Clifthanger. I just hoped you enjoyed it and the second chapter coming soon!

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