Chapter 3- Apology

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Bae Solbi's POV


It started raining and it was already time for me to head to class so I rushed to the campus and entered the classroom. I made my way to the back of the class and laid my head on the desk until the class started.

While I was sleeping I felt someone sit next to me but I was too sleeply (Lazy) to lift my head up and look at the person. During class the professor was teaching and my ass was dead asleep until someone called me. I looked at the caller ID and it was Mother #2. I quietly plugged my earphones in and accepted the call.


"Hello? What could you probably need while I'm in class-"

Mother #2

"Hey! How is everything? It's raining hard so I hope you get to school safe, or where ever your going to go to safe! I got you food so when your hungry after school you know where to find it Bye Unnie"

~Call Ended~

Seriously? This bitch 'bout to call me up in class because she got the damn food! Seriously. At least she got the food.

Hwang Shinye POV

I stood frozen, I quickly grab my phone and call Bae Unnie back, It was joohoon and I wanted to make sure that if anything bad happened to me that she would be the first person  to know.


Bae Unnie

'Yah! this girl, why do you keep callin me during class?"

Hwang Shinye

"Its joohoon, he is at the door so if anything happens then come over quickly do something! just stay on the phone, DON'T HANG UP"

I tried to be silent as possible in a whisper voice, not wanting joohoon to hear me on the phone.

Bae Unnie

"okay okay, but I swear! if he does do something!"

I set the phone down on the couch and cover it with a blanket. Then I take a deep breath and walk over to the door, I slowly put my hands on the door knob and hesitantly unlock the door then open it. What stood there was joohoon, he had changed into some new clothes. He quickly grabs the door handle and lock it, pulling my wrist along with him.

"yah! let go!!" I struggle to get free from Joohoon's grip, it started to tighten the more I struggled so I stopped. He then swiftly pins me against the wall, holding both of my wrists above my head " all I want from you, is an apology" The words just weren't coming out of my mouth, I quickly tried to look down but he held my face up "apologize" I was scared, I wanted to cry on the very spot but I knew I had to be strong "s-sorry for s-spilling coffee on your s-suit....." " I can't hear you, what did you say Hwang?" he was enjoying this I just know it "I-I said I was sorry!" What I didn't expect was.......was Tears, I started crying and then sobbing. I just wanted joohoon to let me go, I just wished none of this happened. I could feel his grip loosen, this was the first time I ever cried in front of joohoon like ever.


The door swings open revealing an angry Bae Unnie, I knew that Bae Unnie was mad sometimes or maybe all the time but, I never seen her this mad before "YAH! THIS BASTARD HERE, JUST WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!" She quickly runs over and shoves joohoon from me, he stumbles backwards but he didn't fall. I then fall down, My knees felt weak and I cried even more, I didn't feel like talking nor saying Anything.

Bae Solbi's POV

When I heard the door lock and Shinye being pinned on the wall I immediately stood up from my seat and quickly packed my things ready to leave. "Miss Bae what are you doing?!?" The professor screeched from all the way in front of the class. "I started my period," I said as I ran my ass down the stairs and out the door making my way back home.
Everyone was shocked by my sudden out burst especially the professor. He blushed in embarrassment and didn't say a word.

When I reached home the door was indeed locked and out of everything I packed I forgot the most important thing. My keys! I don't want to waste time so I busted down the door in raged. "YAH! THIS BASTARD HERE, JUST WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!" I yelled pushing Joohoon away from Shinye. I've never been this mad before "ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND! THINKING YOU CAN JUST HARASS SOMEONE IN THERE OWN HOUSE. You think you can get away with everything just because your spoiled rich-" "I didn't come here to get a lecture from you-" Joohoon said cutting off my sentence "Then why come! No one needs or wants you here!" This bitch really just cut off my sentence. "Look  I came here for an apology," Joohoon said trying not to argue with me "Well you got your apology now LEAVE!" I said pushing him to the door but he wouldn't budge like damn this dude is hella heavy

Tae Hansu's POV

When I got to class I found a seat besides SolBi. During class everything was silent and the only thing you could hear was the professor talking and students writing down the information on the borad. SolBi woke up to Shinye calling her I'm not a creep but I was kinda east dropping on her conversation with Shinye. Shinye was speaking with a male on the other side of the phone and guessing by SolBi's action I can tell the male was Joohoon. Ya see SolBi and JooHoon don't mix. Their like fire and ice, Natus and Grey, fire and a forest- you get what I mean. They hate each other , after Bae Solbi ran off I followed behind her secretly I guess, she was heading to Hwang Shinye's apartment while I hid near a bush not to far, I watch as she struggles to get the door open but then kick it down like it was nothing, damn does that girl have some strength, I quickly follow Solbi and stand at the entrance and witnessed everything that just happened. Joohoon just what are you up to now?

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