Chapter 4- What Did I just Do

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Hwang Shinye POV

I was still shaken up and crying badly so I held myself after Bae unnie failed to push joohoon out, you see she found out that joohoon was bullying me during high school and boy was that the worst year of my life, Bae unnie knows how hard I worked for a living and if anyone messes with me or picks a bone with me then Bae unnie will tear you to bits. Even though i'm like a mother to her ( mother 2) to Bae unnie she can be really scary sometimes, but what scares me even more is joohoon. I quietly stand up then Bae unnie runs over and helps me over to the couch where I grab my phone from under the blanket.

On the other hand I herd joohoon scoof lightly, he was mad about the secret phone and might have thought 'so that's how solbi knew and came here at the 'right time' because if I didn't leave the phone there then Bae unnie wouldn't even be here right now, and I would be 'dead' right now. After a couple of minutes I calmed down and saw Tae hansu oppa (older brother) walk through the door, it was a sign for Bae Unnie to calm down and I Guess they wanted to talk about joohoon and left me in the room with him, I mean they were close to the door so, it wasn't that far.

(13+ coming up! I think, I am not innocent myself LOL I was cringing hard while typing this so bring some holy water cause I had some So PLEASE I don't need any dirty minded readers / followers now lol jk don't worry it's not even that intense Literally )

"hey, hwang..."I quickly look over at joohoon siting on one of the chairs "What?!" I shout at joohoon with no second thought, damn "I'm sorry......and for making you cry, I......I just wanted an apology but it got out of hand"

I sigh and slowly stand up walking towards Joohoon, he then stands up too curious As soon as I got closer to him He quickly grabs my shoulders and lifts my head up I was shocked by the sudden movement.

He slowly leans in towards my face? No lips...I  slowly close my eyes and soon I could feel his lips on mine. At first I was frozen , but eventually kissed him back, yeah I kissed him back he then turned his head making the kiss more intense, I was hesitating to open my mouth so he went down to my neck and kissed it, maybe even leaving a hickey THAT WILL BE SO VISIBLE, I quickly gasp and wrap my hands around his neck as he then quickly he's back to kissing me, he had successfully entered my mouth with his tongue. will I tell Bae Unnie about this? That I literally am making out with my bully. We both then pull away taking a breather with our lips swollen, my legs felt weak with just one kiss.

Bae Solbi's POV

When I walk in the door with Tae hansu to take a breather it was silent no one was talking but I liked it like that. I wasn't really close with Tae hansu I mean we were in the same classes since childhood but he was always the quiet child and I remember when we were little. Whenever I and JooHoon would start fighting he would stay on the sidelines and watch until something gets physical


"You're so annoying!" Little JooHoon screamed "Me!? I think it's the other way around you brat!" little SolBi screamed back crossing her arms in front of her. "Brat!" JooHoon screamed back at me while I said it back to him and we would just keep on going on and on and on until JooHoon got tired of it and usually hit me first. Like bItCh, you did not just hit me. And me being like what 5 years old? I'm gonna hit him back and when we started hitting each other Tae Hansu would try to stop it "Stop it!" he would scream going in between me and Joohoon mostly taking in all the hits from both of us.

Flashback end

As I was in my daydream I didn't hear Tae Hansu speak. "Yah! Bae Solbi were you not listening to me!?" He said in annoyance "I'm sorry? Sorry I wasn't listening" I replied scratching the back of my neck and looking at the ground from embarrassment. "I was saying are you feeling better?" he repeated. Wow, his voice got deeper. "Umm yeah, I'm feeling better". Then we started having little talks making little jokes here and there. What I didn't know was that he was trying to hide the fact that JooHoon and Shinye were sucking each other faces off and not going to lie it worked.

Hwang Shinye POV

It was really awkward, after the making out session Joohoon left and I was sitting on the couch in embarrassment. I covered my face the whole hour Bae Unnie was gone and tae hansu oppa knew, but it's fine because I know he can keep promises he never breaks them when it comes to me. I quickly run into the bathroom and take a look at the kiss mark Joohoon left, damn it I won't have anything that will cover it up now, I could soon hear the door open as I quickly run back to the couch and lay down with my phone and the blanket over me, I didn't want Bae Unnie to see me like this it felt horrible, and possibly even disgusting I mean, not the kissing session cause damn he can kiss no lie, but just me, I didn't want didn't want Bae Unnie to see the hickey that was left behind as some kind of present from Joohoon.

But what I am even more confused about is that why didn't I reject him!? That's the first thing that I would do! One of my reflexes when it comes to Joohoon! I can't possibly like him like pfft! That's Impossible but looking at the hickey it won't just disappear in 4 or 5 days. I would get scolded badly by Bae unnie god help me please for jimin's sake! I honestly don't wanna get scolded, I scroll through my phone and could hear a chair being pulled out in the kitchen, I bet they were sitting in the kitchen talking about body guards because when joohoon is around she is like my bodyguard 24/7. But I can't keep relying on her forever because if I do then I will end up alone not knowing how to protect myself.

Joohoon POV

I blush thinking about what just happened between me and hwang Shinye , I can't even! I think I was even her first kiss, nice! But....she must honestly hate me tho, I mean I am mean to her only because I like her but I never told anyone this not even my Fiance for once in my life. I didn't want to get married It was a forced marriage, I already had feelings for someone else and so did that woman, We both act like we 'love' each other in public and in front of our parents but nothing more. I just hope that one day Hwang Shinye doesn't get the wrong idea. The only reason I was forced to marry her was because and for my company.

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