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        When we last left Jane, she could see the magical python up ahead but she needed to get a cross a very normal looking room to get there! She accidentally snagged a trip wire and the floor started to fall out! Will she be able to get the python or will she fall to her death? 

        Jane looked all around her. The floor was missing in some patches and not missing in others she scanned the floor and found the simplest way to the python which was still at the end of the room. The floor was still falling in some places but for the most part it had stopped falling. The first leap was a simple one about 2 feet and that section had stopped moving. She jumped and landed perfectly on her feet. The next jump was tricky, about 5 and a half feet across and the section was still trembling a little bit. She jumped and barely made it. She stood still on the edge for a bit to catch her breath, but before she had caught it all the way the tile she was on fell and she went with it! Jane caught the edge of the tile and was barely holding on!

        Jane sighed with a little bit of relief  when she found that she was still holding on to the edge and that these tiles were not covered in the same slippery wax as the last ones she was hanging off of, but then regained her fear when she remembered she was hanging off of a tile! "breath" she told herself as she tried to come up with a solution. Jane pulled her chin up to the edge to the tile and rested her arms across it and tried to pull herself up. It didn't work. She didn't quite have enough strength left to get all the way up. Jane sighed and tried to think of another plan. Her mind was racing at a thousand mile an hour. She had no idea what to do. Next keeping her arms up across the tile she kicked her leg up with all her might. Luckily her foot caught on the edge of another tile. Now with three limbs on top of the ground she was able to pull herself up on to the ledge by rolling over and up. 

        Now that she had herself up on the tiles, she could continue on her way across the tiles. There were two more jumps on her way to get to the other side. The next one she took was about 3 and a half feet and she made the leap with ease. The one after that however was a little harder. When Jane had first made her plan the jump had been about 4 or five feet, but now that she was closer she noticed that the jump had expanded to about 11 feet instead. "Oh snap..."  Jane said under her breath as she noticed the jump. She had no idea how she was going to get across. Then she noticed something she didn't notice before, on the ground event though the tiles were gone there was a thin layer of metal that was about a 1/2 inch wide. I didn't look strong enough to support a person for very long but maybe far a few seconds....  

        Jane lifted up a tile that was still, in place and wrapped her rope shoelace around the whole tile. (Jane was wearing high laced boots so she had a lot of shoe rope) She  pulled the lace to make sure it was tied on tightly enough then took a deep breath and prepared for her perilous journey across the chasm. 

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