pink and blue polka dotted socks

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        When we last left Jane she was preparing to walk across the thin 1/2 inch frames to get across the chasm. 

        Jane tied the other end of the rope shoelace around her slim waist. She pulled it tight to make sure it would hold her securely if she fell. She realized that she needed to leave the her shoe behind because she couldn't keep it on without it slipping and falling because it was untied and loose on her foot. (that was okay because she had already lost the other one a while back) Jane would be making the rest of the trek in her pink and blue polka dotted socks. 

        Jane tentatively stepped on to the thin frame. It held her  weight here on the edge. She slowly advanced forward, she noticed as she did the bar bent more and more the farther she went across. She was almost at the middle point, here the bar was drooping so low she had to use her hands to attempt to climb up the bar,but as soon as Jane had her hands on the bar she felt a tug at her waist, the shoe lace rope only went this far. Jane would have to make it the rest of the way without a rope. The longer Jane stood there contemplating weather to go  bar bent more and more. Jane reached in to her back pocket for her knife and cut the rope. 

        She wobbled a little as the tension slackened and leaned forward to grab the bar, as she did her socks slid down the bar until she was holding on with her hands and laying down on the bar. "okay" Jane said mildly annoyed. As she was laying down Jane kicked her socks off so she wold have better traction. If she let go of the bar with one hand to retrieve her socks she would surly fall so she let them fall instead. As all this happened the bar kept bending creating a steeper incline for her to climb up. Jane pulled herself to her feet. The cold metal cut into her feel like knives. The blood was still less slippery then her socks so she kept going. The end part of the climb was mostly arms but as she pulled herself up the metal cut in to her hands like it cut in to her feet. Jane just grimesed and moved on. Jne finally made it to the top of the rod and swung her feet up no to solid ground. 

        Jane stared down at the bent and bloody mess she had left and brought erself to her feet and looked ahead. The floor hurt Jane's feet, blood mixing with dirt on the ground but she kept going anyway. She only had one last jump before she could get the snake and call it a day. The last jump wasnt very big just a few feet but she knew it would hurt her feet when she landed. Jane wipped the blood and persperation off her hands took a few steps back and took a running leap. instead of landing on her feet she preformed a perfect roll to aviod having to slam her feet on the floor. 

        Jane had made it to the other side of the temple. 

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